Make Them Live Up To Their Own Rules – IOTW Report

Make Them Live Up To Their Own Rules


While using their own tactics against them, Alinsky judo per se’, just a short reminder from the White House itself in April.

Officials in the Joe Biden administration insisted that there aren’t plans for a federal vaccine passport system:

4 Comments on Make Them Live Up To Their Own Rules

  1. Liberals have not been expected to live by their own “rules” since 1961. Probably never. The bigoted “Press”- MSM today- has always said libs were mis quoted or taken out of context!

    With so many libs in GOP there is no political force tome this happen. The GOP libs who overrode Don’s SEC 230 veto 8 months ago have made this “perfectly clear” for those paying attention; which clearly is a small group.

  2. There won’t be a federal jab mandate until it becomes obvious that the fascist corporate jab mandates are being successfully pushed back. That appears to be happening. And if they can’t deny you food or air travel or gasoline, then the feds will try to limit where you can go with that gasoline, hence the intimation of state border patrols for jab evaders.

    And that’s just the beginning. They will use every permanent government lever they can to force the jab. They will use the the Democrat governments and National Guard in blue states to attempt to isolate and strangle red state economies. They hate our federal system and states’ rights, and Chinavirus is the pale horse they ride.


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