Breaking: Texas Supreme Court temporarily suspends Dallas County mask mandate – IOTW Report

Breaking: Texas Supreme Court temporarily suspends Dallas County mask mandate

h/t Alex.

Becker News: The Texas Supreme Court has dealt a blow to state officials’ challenge to Governor Abbott banning mask mandates. The governor delivered the news himself on Sunday. more

12 Comments on Breaking: Texas Supreme Court temporarily suspends Dallas County mask mandate

  1. I spent a few hours in Libtardia (Columbia, MD) today. Most normal people were walking around the mall and shopping centers maskless. Of course, the libtards were still smothering themselves with masks (some wearing two).

  2. The court is dragging it out for weeks, maybe months.
    Court is letting the parents and the kids decide for themselves in the meantime.

    Ugh. I can’t believe I typed “The court is LETTING”.
    Go to hell, commies.

  3. Now that this is a political wedge issue, every time democrats take over a town, city, county, or state, the first thing they’ll do is order mandatory face diapers. They’ll get a petty tyrant power boner every time they see the proles running around with pieces of cloth on their faces that don’t do a goddamn thing other than mark them as serfs to wanton government power abuse. And when they get bored of that, they think of something more humiliating and abusive. They don’t have to worry about getting voted out because they’ll also cement in their dirty elections forever as well.

    The masks will never end. Just watch and see.

  4. That doesn’t happen if you keep messing with the politicians heads or better yet, have the backs of the ones doing the right thing.
    The AG didn’t go to court by himself with this. He had Texans and tons of people from other states backing him.
    The pen is mightier than the sword. First, you use the pen.
    You only use the sword if they take your ink.
    I don’t know about y’all, but me and a group of friends chipped in and bought some ink barrels about a month ago. 😉

  5. Totally expected so what you see is all the businesses have reinstated for all employees, and then they strongly recommend them and pass masks out at the door to customers and count on social pressure and human conformity and fear to get everyone back in them and so far in Texas we are back at 60% wearing them voluntarily again and 30% in restaurants.

  6. Oh man! I forgot about our activist county judge.

    I’ve been wondering why the re-enforcement of masks popped back up in a couple of stores that I’ve been mask-less in for a while now. The signs are even hand written – No Mask No Service!

    These stores can act like this regardless of any mandate. And I can shop elsewhere. Win-Win


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