Governor Sends Threatening Vaccination Propaganda Posters to Schools Across Nevada – IOTW Report

Governor Sends Threatening Vaccination Propaganda Posters to Schools Across Nevada

DC Patriot:
Despite the fact that school board and county commissioner meetings across the state have been taken over by angry voters and concerned parents all month, corrupt officials are pushing through mask mandates and forced vaccinations anyway. One commissioner Tick Segerblom who is an open socialist, was caught on video this week admitting he intended to push through vaccine passports and forced vaccinations against the will of the people. Now Governor Steve “Shady” Sisolak is flooding schools across the state with scary pro-vax, pro-mask, you must comply for your own good propaganda. more

17 Comments on Governor Sends Threatening Vaccination Propaganda Posters to Schools Across Nevada

  1. Wait a minute, Racer X. Those of us who live in what’s left of the REAL Nevada didn’t vote for this guy. It’s all the California transplants to Reno and Las Vegas who are ruining this state.

  2. Sending threatening posters seems sort of mild. When I see this guy I think of a thug with a baseball bat smashing car windows. Where is Elliot Ness when you need him?

  3. @Charlie WalksonWater

    I never got very close….but I do read a lot of material facts that liberals refuse to acknowledge.
    AND….when it comes to liberals…..It’s REAL easy to spot an ASSHOLE.

  4. Just as is done with Joe Biden, blow them all off. Idiotic threats and intimidation tactics are only workable if it produces results. Once a person responds with fear and anxiety, those scammers win. Don’t let the fear-peddlers have the upper-hand.

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