Chicago: 5 dead 47 shot after weekend of violence – IOTW Report

Chicago: 5 dead 47 shot after weekend of violence

JustThenNews: At least five people were killed and 42 others injured by gunfire in Chicago this past weekend. Nine teenagers and two children were among the victims.

According to the Chicago police, a 7-year-old girl was killed and her 6-year-old sister injured Sunday afternoon on the city’s Northwest side. The children had been sitting in a parked vehicle when someone opened fire. 

The first killing of the weekend occurred before the sun had set  Friday when an 18-year-old man was shot in the middle of the street by a driver in a passing vehicle. more

23 Comments on Chicago: 5 dead 47 shot after weekend of violence

  1. geoff the aardvark
    AUGUST 16, 2021 AT 8:52 PM

    You never can tell with funerals. One funeral I went to was for a deceased who had been a singer for a barroom heavy metal band which was apparently important to the family, because they gave everyone in the procession CDs and instructions to start a certain song on cue.

    So the funeral procession went from the funeral home to the grave with everyone blasting the dead man’s voice singing about…death.

    Not my favorite, but it was what the family wanted. Different folk grieve different ways. I seen one where people put cigarettes in the coffin of someone who died of lung cancer, but it wasn’t meant to be disrespectful, it was just her favorite thing and they all seemed to think she looked incomplete without a cigarette.

    One time I saw a guy run up and hug a corpse.

    Four days later, he WAS a corpse.

    We’re all gonna die sooner or later, sooner if shooting is a custom at the funeral, but apart from that, you can only let folks do what they do to grieve.

    It’s not like it’s going to hurt the Guest of Honor, in any case…

  2. Numbers are down because it was actually cold here at night over this past weekend and not progress with Joe’s Strike Force. Down to the 50s, that’s stay inside weather.

  3. Jethro

    I’m reading some of the posts foreigners are posting about the United States. The theme is we suck and they’ll never trusts us again. I can’t say I blame them, so yea, I’ll stay put.

    Mean while Kamal Toe was heard screaming, You’re not sticking me with this shit”. True story.

  4. I don’t recommend corpse hugging, BTW. It kind of gives away the game about funeral clothes being spilt down the back because thats easier for the mortician, the corpse is literally dead weight and not particularly flexible so you’re not doing your back any favors, it can be gross if it splits the autopsy Y incision open, which is crudely stitched and doesn’t heal for obvious reasons, and the dirty sheets and other hospital waste the corpse is restuffed with may poik out of the tears.

    Also, I can tell you from experience that dead flesh is not very pleasant, especially if it’s your kin. One of the worst things I ever did in my life was kiss my dead father’s forehead in the box. It really brings the death home to you to touch dead, cold, embalmed flesh where there was a warm, loving person the last time you saw them.

    I do not recommend it.

  5. We’re finding that these people are not just incompetent fools – they’re literally insane.

    Lightfoot and Biden are the glaring examples. AOC is another. Tlaib and Omar are get two others.

  6. There’s blood in the streets, It’s up to my ankles
    There’s blood in the streets, It’s up to my knees
    Blood in the street in the town of Chicago
    Blood on the rise, It’s followin’ me
    – Peace Frog, The Doors, 1968

  7. Final tally at was 11 dead, 51 wounded. The scary thing is so many of these shootings are totally random. There is often no specific target. Apparently you get street cred for just shooting into a car or a group of people.

  8. I have absolutely no issue with Americans.
    I have issues with criminals, lazy people, pedos, leaches on society, Poverty pimps, & race huksters. And they come in every shape & size.

  9. It’s the randomness of shooting people you don’t know, it almost guarantees not getting caught in a blue city, and they know it. It’s a learned trade. The wild west was safer.


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