Vail Arizona Teen banned from school for not wearing a mask put on suicide watch – IOTW Report

Vail Arizona Teen banned from school for not wearing a mask put on suicide watch

h/t State Senator Kelly Townsend (AZ-R)

#VailSchoolDistrict student, Hunter and his family shared his story with #VivaFreedomTalk on May 4th at a Town Hall meeting at @VivaCoffeeHouse. “Born to War” author, Christa Reynolds comforted this young man, telling him she went through similar experiences as a child in Nazi Germany and then under the Soviet occupation of Berlin. WATCH

Forced masking is #ChildAbuse; ostracizing children who cannot medically tolerate a face covering, isolating them at home away from their friends is a crime against humanity. This must end NOW.


4 Comments on Vail Arizona Teen banned from school for not wearing a mask put on suicide watch

  1. First of all – – I hate that the editor of the video thinks he has to put cheesy music in the background. Second, the kid needs to buck up, quit being a crybaby, and be glad he doesn’t have to attend the government brainwashing institution.

  2. Don’t mistake the overlords love this! Our great governor dewine had a pressing today to threaten kids to get the vax or mask. Even though kids don’t get the COVID as bad but he says the after affects from COVID are terrible and they can still spread COVID. Hmm sounds like he’s talking about the vax! And he had the nerve to site a school in Florida that had rising COVID. Sorry but go pound sand dewine! I don’t believe this administration, fauci, the cdc, fda, none of them! They have already been caught lying and fudging numbers! This shit show is unreal!! Also when my work was ready to bring us back into the office, once again delayed! Thanks for letting me vent. Pissed off parent and legal citizen of what used to be a great country. Miss Trump.

  3. All these universities, schools, health industry etc. announce on their websites they have a ‘no discrimination’ and ‘equal opportunity’ posted boldly. Parents, employees, and others who are being segregated against should file class-action lawsuits to include these entities’ false advertising, bigotry, invalidating civil rights, and judgments against them based on their race, religion, beliefs, and rights under the US Constitution. They should get the best attorneys money can buy.

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