Taliban says it’s granting ‘amnesty’, after having ruled for years under Sharia law – IOTW Report

Taliban says it’s granting ‘amnesty’, after having ruled for years under Sharia law

Lol. Sure they will.

Just The News: The Taliban said Tuesday it is granting “amnesty” across Afghanistan and urged women to join their government  – an apparent effort to convince wary residents the military-political group will no longer rule under strict Islamic law that included persecuting females and killing detractors, according to news report.

The group from roughly 1996 to 2001 controlled roughly three-quarters of Afghanistan by enforcing a strict interpretation of Sharia or Islamic law. The Taliban swept into complete control of Afghanistan this past weekend as U.S. forces departed and the Afghan military posed no opposition to the Taliban’s return. 

The Taliban is now trying to portray itself as more moderate than when it imposed a brutal rule in the late 1990s, but many Afghans remain skeptical, according to the Associated Press.

France 24 reports the amnesty is only for Afghanistan government officials. more here

11 Comments on Taliban says it’s granting ‘amnesty’, after having ruled for years under Sharia law

  1. And the sign says “women and gays line up on the right for amnesty.” Maybe some of our militant feminists and LGBTQ advocates can head on over to Afghanistan and assist in the amnesty program. After all, the Taliban may be more tolerant than they were 20 years ago.

    Nah…all the Taliban understands are bullets and bombs, and even then they are still intolerant.

  2. Taqiyya – Saying something that isn’t true as it relates to Muslim identity (i.e whether one is a Muslim or what that means). This is a Shiite term: the Sunni counterpart is Muda’rat.

    I believe they can be trusted this time.

  3. I don’t believe one word those snakes in the grass taliban have to say regarding any matter since devils NEVER tell the truth. Like obama, watch the broke busted disgusted impotent and weak Biden bend his crooked knee to the demonic creatures, kizz their stolen rings, then offer them free ice cream in the flavor of their choice. betcha.

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