General Flynn: Biden lied, knew Afghan army would collapse quickly – IOTW Report

General Flynn: Biden lied, knew Afghan army would collapse quickly

General Michael Flynn, former National Security Advisor, joins the show to talk all things Afghanistan and beseeches Americans to get involved with their communities, saying, ‘local action has a national impact’.
Interview starts at 28:55 minute mark

Also, at the beginning of the same podcast: James Bopp, constitutional lawyer and current-counsel for Indiana University students, gives Just the News an Exclusive, that he is picking more students from different universities to make university vaccine mandates a class-action lawsuit, in preparation to bring claims before the Supreme Court. His main argument against university vaccine mandates is that the government should have to prove that this level of ‘invasion of rights and bodily autonomy is justified’, citing that there is ‘nothing more intrusive than the government coming along and sticking needles in you and injecting chemicals into your body’.

16 Comments on General Flynn: Biden lied, knew Afghan army would collapse quickly

  1. Everybody knew and they didn’t do anything.
    All part the plan.
    To bad the real POTUS wasn’t in office.

    “On April 27, 2021, the Department ordered the departure from U.S. Embassy Kabul”
    “Terrorist and insurgent groups continue planning and executing attacks in Afghanistan.”

    Travel Advisory
    June 28, 2021
    “U.S. citizens wishing to depart Afghanistan should leave as soon as possible on available commercial flights.”

  2. All part of the plan, left them all of our weaponry, even after the fact our military couldn’t have destroyed it, yeah right.
    Taliban now controls more land than they did on 9/11, have tons of weaponry including helicopters.
    Now we need all of these refugees, many of whom have already been taken out, the majority of whom are fighting age men, while Americans are told you’re on your own.

    While they bring terrorists to our soil, allowed terrorists to have Afghanistan with military weaponry equal to ours, they’re about to lock us down, attempt forced death jabs, tax the hell out of us, pass the new green deal. Not sure the country will survive.

    These evil puppet masters and their puppet are to blame yes, China is to blame for this virus yes, but you know who deserves a whole hell of a lot of blame, the stupid dumb ass Americans, many of whom were Republican voters who laid down like a bunch of damn pussies and allowed this to happen because they were so scared of some damn virus. Those scared piss on themselves sorry excuse for Americans are the reason we’re at this point.

  3. The ChiComs anonymously bought several of Hunter’s paintings so Joe felt obligated to pull out of Afghanistan to allow the Chinese ‘belt-and-road’ initiative to take root there.

  4. Incompetent yes, however that aspect shrinks in comparison to their drive to serve the Dark Prince. I wonder how much of the demonstrated incompetence is an act. It is obvious there is not a sincere bone in the collective bodies of anyone involved in this illegitimate Administration.

  5. Everyone knew it.

    Ask the Canadian Soldiers (honest heros) who would build a school & defend the girls who went to it.
    they would move on to build & guard the next school.
    The Taliban would kill the teacher at the first school & order the parents to not send their girls.

    I like Flynn, I hope he is eventually made whole for what was & is still being done to him.

  6. I see all of these smart people who can’t believe that Biden wouldn’t wait to pull out until the Summer “fighting season” was over and the Taliban fighters went home for the Winter. Don’t they know that waiting would put the withdrawal squarely in the middle of the 2022 midterm campaign?

    There’s a more important war here at home, and the Dems are counting on short attention spans, the news cycle and their media to win it for them.

  7. I’ve been wondering. If this a near death experience in America how close to death do you think we need to go before people wake up? Where is the line?
    Jab/work passport, gun confiscation, starvation, friendly UN peace keepers, communication and power blackout?

  8. I’m not ever going to accuse Jackass Joe of being a smart man, but I do think it is time to start asking the question: What if this all was a deliberate act of treason done under the disguise of compassion and Political Correctness with a touch of dementia?
    We’ve let the Left pee all over us and tell us it’s just raining for years! We’ve let them promote racism and segregation under the disguise of CRT, BLM and the fallacy of so-called White Supremacy.
    We’ve let them turn criminals loose to burn, rob and rape under the disguise of compassion.
    We watched our “leaders” allow hundreds of thousands diseased, unmasked illegal aliens to run loose across the country to rob, rape, kill and terrorize Americans under the disguise of “compassion”.
    Here is a man (and his son) who have become independently wealthy by selling out to the Chinese, the Russians and the Ukrainians, who has now just turned practically all our military hardware and technology over to the Taliban, and in turn the Chinese and Russians. That’s whatcha call the BIGGEST intelligence coup of the century! All done as the sole decision by one (crooked) man against the advice of the generals and advisors while abandoning Americans in the process. Are we just supposed to chalk it up to “That’s just Joe”? I don’t think so! This was intentional, this was deliberate. This is evil that the American people have to wake up to and address!

  9. “AK-47’s for sale.
    Fired once, dropped once.”

    If you watch the news feeds most of those terrorists are carrying brand new M4s that Biden supplied them. The real kicker is 556/223 ammo is in short supply here in the states. I guess that’s because Biden gave all of it to the Taliban. FM.


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