TYPICAL: Leading Feminist Groups SILENT As Afghan Girls Face Brutality of Islamic Law – IOTW Report

TYPICAL: Leading Feminist Groups SILENT As Afghan Girls Face Brutality of Islamic Law

Geller Report: Feminism is a phony movement originating in Marxist/Leninism. I’ll go one step further. Feminism is anti-women. It hates marriage, men, femininity, motherhood ….. everything that makes a women women.

The left exploits, women (gays, blacks etc) in order to destroy freedom and more specifically, voices for freedom. more here

11 Comments on TYPICAL: Leading Feminist Groups SILENT As Afghan Girls Face Brutality of Islamic Law

  1. When it finally all falls apart in the West, there is gonna be a long list of paybacks that need to be addressed. The radical feminists should be near the top of the list.

  2. Just more validation, like anymore is needed, that my observation that the progressive movement is motivated by a compelling urge to increase net innocent human suffering, misery and death.

    I have tested my conclusion against every Goddamned example of what happens whenever their agenda is put into practice and this comes far closer to being “settled science” than anyone with a functional sense of logic can ignore. Whenever the bastards get their way and are able to implement their agenda innocent human suffering, misery and death increases dramatically. It happens every time without fail.

  3. I propose a US group of emissaries, The Squad, every host ever from The View, and throw in Megan Rapinoe for good measure.
    Your mission, convince the Taliban woman have rights.

  4. Not only are the feminists silent, libtard voters are too.

    My husband has some friends who are hard core leftists who spent the last few yrs badmouthing Trump and drooling over how great things would be with Biden the puppet POTUS.
    I asked him this morning if they’re saying anything now.
    Not one post or word from any of them.

  5. LBS, honor killing is one of the worst oxymorons ever. There is no honor in killing, especially of women and children. The whole left is a dangerous, toxic oxymoron, set out to kill everyone who disagrees with their evil world view just like their father Satan/Lucifer/Beelzebub/Baal etc. And it has been so since the beginning of mankind when the snake tempted Eve with the knowledge of good and evil. The left will always choose evil.

  6. Beachmom,
    That’s one good thing from this mess, but I am sure it won’t last long. Soon they will begin to receive new talking points to use against of us rubes who know nothing.

  7. @ geoff the aardvark AUGUST 18, 2021 AT 9:02 AM

    Yes they do willingly and with foreknowledge always choose evil. They are followers of a wicked and evil political philosophy that even though built on lies they cannot hide behind “good intentions” any longer. What progressivism leads to each and every time the followers of that wicked and evil worldview achieve critical mass and are able to implement their agenda is in, it is well documented and it is unequivocal that it always and without exception ends in massively increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death.

    The evidence is available and to plead “good intentions” is a non-starter. Willful ignorance does nothing but guarantee that one was willingly complicit, it does the exact opposite of providing a basis for absolution.

    No one who would foist what is documented to be wickedness and evil on innocents is innocent. Period. Full stop.

    Followers of progressivism are followers of the Dark Prince and are motivated by a burning desire to gain points in service to their master.


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