Lawyer suing Indiana University for COVID vaccine mandate expanding effort to ‘four or five states’ – IOTW Report

Lawyer suing Indiana University for COVID vaccine mandate expanding effort to ‘four or five states’

Just The News-The lawyer representing students challenging Indiana University’s COVID vaccine mandate has been “retained by students in other states to bring similar claims,” he said in an interview Tuesday.

Veteran litigator James Bopp told the John Solomon Reports podcast that he expects to file suit in another “four or five states in the next couple of weeks.”

When pursuing “test case litigation,” lawyers must bring “cases throughout the country having different judges, different circuits,” Bopp said. “And particularly if you want to get to the Supreme Court, you need a conflict in the circuits” – federal appeals courts issuing decisions at odds with each other.

Earlier this month, the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals declined to issue a preliminary injunction that would stop Indiana University’s vaccine mandate, which offers limited medical and religious exemptions, from taking effect. Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett declined to issue an emergency injunction. more here

3 Comments on Lawyer suing Indiana University for COVID vaccine mandate expanding effort to ‘four or five states’

  1. “And particularly if you want to get to the Supreme Court, you need a conflict in the circuits”

    Geez, are you the slow class?


    …now leave me alone, Mr. Soros is lining up some Afgani refugee girls for me, and it’s been a long time since Epstein’s Island and I DON’T wanna be disturbed…

  2. My friend’s brother just died suddenly. He was found at his summer home floating in the latke behind his house and his dog was pacing on the beach for THREE DAYS. She’s crushed as I would be, and could only talk to me yesterday to tell me the details. They did an autopsy, and found nothing wrong. Inconclusive cause of death was their determination. He was perfectly healthy, 62, no issues, no current illness, no stress. No crazy wife. I asked her did he get the Covid shot, and yes, a couple of months ago. I know people die all the time, for no good reasons, But this makes me suspicious. That spike protein is bad news. Where is Bennet Omalu when you need him?


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