Cuba Makes It Illegal to Criticize Government on Social Media – IOTW Report

Cuba Makes It Illegal to Criticize Government on Social Media

WFB: Biden administration slow-walks efforts to give Cuba internet access.

The Cuban government on Tuesday made it illegal to criticize the regime on social media, giving the government more tools to punish pro-democracy protesters.

A decree from Communications Minister Mayra Arevich bans criticism of “the constitutional, social and economic” rules of the state and acts that “alter public order.” The decree also creates a form that Cubans can use to report each other for “cybersecurity incidents.” The decree comes a month after the regime restricted internet access for citizens in an attempt to stifle criticism. Penalties for violating the decree will be set in legislation later.

Internet access in Cuba has been inconsistent since the protests started on July 11. After viral social media photos and videos showed protests across the island, the Cuban government curtailed access to social media sites through the state-owned internet service, ETECSA. Cuba already has multiple laws criminalizing opposition to the regime. more

13 Comments on Cuba Makes It Illegal to Criticize Government on Social Media

  1. Coming soon to the United States. Big Tech will be the enforcers.
    Won’t be long before the FCC starts cracking down on radio and TV as well.
    Maybe Pirate stations (not the ones outta Pittsburgh) are in our future once again1

  2. I’m just amazed that the Cubans even know about the internet. They’re still driving cars from the 1950s — what the hell are they surfing the web on, vintage Apple IIs and Commodore 64s?


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