Bill de Blasio Explains How His NYC Jim Crow 2.0 Plan Will Work – IOTW Report

Bill de Blasio Explains How His NYC Jim Crow 2.0 Plan Will Work

Now, onto our story:

Bill de Blasio Explains How His NYC Jim Crow 2.0 Plan Will Work.

PJM: On August 16, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced the “Key to NYC” details. The requirement for individuals to be vaccinated at certain indoor venues went into effect on August 17, and enforcement will begin on September 13. De Blasio shared an escalating fee schedule for businesses that violate the order. He also called the passport requirement the “ultimate encouragement to get people vaccinated.”

Most sane people would call it coercion. The policy, posted on the city’s website, provides for no exceptions for the average New York City resident. While it is unpopular to mention, some people cannot receive the vaccine because of their medical history. Under the current policy, there is no accommodation for these individuals. There is also no acknowledgment of recovered immunity. According to the CDC, nearly one million New York City residents have recovered from COVID-19. more here

10 Comments on Bill de Blasio Explains How His NYC Jim Crow 2.0 Plan Will Work

  1. DeBlasio is such a benevolent dictator; he will allow children who haven’t been fakeccinated yet to join the rest of their family because “doesn’t want to separate families to do fun things together”. Until, of course, little children are also forced to get a shot. How incredibly nice of him.

    That photo of that wife of his. Yikes! She looks as mean as the Mooch and dresses just as hideously.

  2. The problem with really stupid people is they don’t realize they’re really stupid. These people are classified as LIBERALS. Now the amazing part of our electoral process is they can find enough even stupider people to vote them into office. It’s amazing.

  3. Further more, if you want to stop a Libtard in their tracks, utter these words, “Your idea totally lacks any type of logic”. Libtards hate Logic. It totally fucks with their little minds. And they sure as hell don’t want to conduct a discussion based on Logic. I am speaken from experience. Quite honestly my 1K bounty for a gang banger idea is more logical and more productive than anything that dumb shit has ever come up with.

  4. “De Blasio shared an escalating fee schedule for businesses that violate the order.”

    Orders are passed onto businesses because the ‘government’ doesn’t have the man-power to enforce their wishful edicts on their own.

    In other words; we out number them by a very large margin and their ‘mandates’ are useless without the consent of the people.

  5. Can’t help the true believers, the MSM Morons. Those that think Kimmel,Colbert, and Fallon are news people. To many don’t want to know the truth, especially if it means TRUMP was right.
    Like the teacher earlier.

  6. I don’t do the nyc thing.
    Certainly could, but won’t.
    I still want to know what ‘deblasio’ / willard wilhelm jr’s lesbian wife did with the 800 million dollars of taxpayer’s money that he gave to her, and can’t be accounted for.
    oh, yeah- they’re too busy with other things to look for it

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