Get Ready for a Nationwide Eldercare Shortage as Biden Forces Mandatory Vaccines For Any Worker Paid by Medicare and Medicaid Money – IOTW Report

Get Ready for a Nationwide Eldercare Shortage as Biden Forces Mandatory Vaccines For Any Worker Paid by Medicare and Medicaid Money


As predicted, and the ‘next step’ will be colleges, universities, students and anyone receiving federal education funding, loans or grants.

Today, the White House occupant announced a federal regulatory requirement that all nurses and healthcare workers who work in facilities funded by Medicaid and/or Medicare will be required to be vaccinated.

Ironically Joe Biden noted that nurses, those professionally trained in healthcare systems – who understand the issues of vaccination, are at a lower vaccination rate than the less trained and educated population.  “Vaccination rates among nursing home staff significantly trail the rest of the country“, Biden said; while never questioning ‘why’.  As pointed out recently, a large subset of the vaccine resistant population are the most educated.

[Speech Transcript] – […] “Today, I’m announcing a new step.  If you work in a nursing home and serve people on Medicare or Medicaid, you will also be required to get vaccinated

More than 130,000 residents in nursing homes have sa- — have sadly, over the period of this virus, passed away. At the same time, vaccination rates among nursing home staff significantly trail the rest of the country.” (read more)

The downstream consequence from this action will be a shortage of healthcare providers in nursing homes.  This has already become an issue for hospitals coast to coast who require vaccinations of their staff.  CTH has been warning about the Chicago network behind Biden and their objective.  We have accurately predicted their moves, but what we cannot determine is how the larger American electorate will respond to these encroachments. read more

14 Comments on Get Ready for a Nationwide Eldercare Shortage as Biden Forces Mandatory Vaccines For Any Worker Paid by Medicare and Medicaid Money

  1. I’m hoping voters will remember this and all the other stupidities of the Biden administration in 2024 and crush the Democrats in the polls.
    They want to micro manage our lives, strip us of our freedoms and fleece us of our wealth at the same time! Who wants this?
    I know socialist commies do!

  2. Not Me
    AUGUST 19, 2021 AT 11:36 AM
    “I’m hoping voters will remember this and all the other stupidities of the Biden administration in 2024 and crush the Democrats in the polls.”


    Dominion….says no.

    And I say…you have no standing.


  3. By that definition any Doctor, or Hospital for that matter, that excepts Medicare would require all employees to be vaxed. This will result in lots of Primary Care Docs dropping Medicare patients. Anybody over the age of 65.

  4. I’ve been in nursing homes for one reason or another since my teen years when my grandmother died in one. I have since been to them as freinds and family spent their final times in them, taken patients to the hospital from them, put out fires in the assisted living kind, dealt with broken hips in randy old ladies in them, and spent time in them brining the Lord with my church to those who could no longer seek His face on their own travels any more, and there’s one thing that’s commmon with ALL of this.

    Don’t get attached.

    See, this as a profession, viewed away from the terrible pay, terrible working conditions, skinflint management, awful government hoops and even awfuler government reimbursements, tends to be not very rewarding. It’s rewarding in the human sense that you can say you helped someone, which you WILL do EVERY DAY, but that person may or may not remember you the next day, may think you are someone who stole something from them in 1956, or their family may accuse you of stealing stuff from them now because they THINK you did as their relative remembers it being there, when sometimes it WAS…and sometimes it WASN’T. The families can’t be blamed because theft and abuse IS a HUGE problem in them (as my father and my own personal experiennces can attest), but there are MANY, MANY dedicated and honest people who DO care, but they tend to get tarred with the same brush…and there is little reward for caring.

    Because your charge, no matter how nice, no matter how well they remmeber you, no matter how much you care for them or how good your level of care is…is going to die.


    That’s why they are THERE.

    …most these days are on hospice care so little is done to try to PREVENT them from dying. There are reasons for this that you can express in actuarial terms I suppose, but one of the better ones is that a good cardiac massage on an older person with brittle bones WILL break ribs and bruse thin flesh. Sometimes ALL the ribs break and you’re pushing a “floating sternum”. The ribs can lacerate both internally and externally too, doing additional damage, the heart is probably stopped because it is baggy and weak with age and CHF, the lungs half full of fluid, and even if you get them back the oxygen deprivation certainly isn’t going to make the Alzheimers any better, as well as weakening further whatever organs haven’t completely thrown the towel in at this point in the first place.

    Clocks run out.

    Just the way it is.

    And God bless those folks that go to work every day to have their hearts torn out on a regular basis with these patients and their families, who have to endure the worst of old people crotchety behavior and the messiest of old people effluvia, who get to see their own mortailty repeated on the faces of all their patients and get accused of horrible things by the familes for less pay than they could make with the sign on bonus at Archer Daniels Midland as a line stocker or at Arbys where the patients they work with expired at the stockyard, and with full knowlege that there are PLENTY of opeinings at the hospital where their paitents might actually get to GO HOME.

    it’s pretty tough just as-is. Democrat COVID lies made it WORSE, where they had to proxy for families who were no longer there and be subjected to inane and ridiculous stuff being made up on a daily basis just to be alllowed to do their jobs.

    And now you’re going to REQUIRE them to be subject to a medical experiement or lose their job.

    Were it ME, I’d have two words for you, and they WOULDN’T be “Happy Birthday”.

    I’ve worked where risks were an accepted part of the job, but those were risks you could manage, risks that were rational, risks that could be reduced and discussed in ways that would make a good outcome, i.e. you get to live, more likely.

    You can’t DO that with a government jab. You’re not even allowed to QUESTION its safety or efficacy despite their OWN WORDS that it is NEITHER, lest y0u be put on a DHS terrorist watch list.

    And the government will NOT give your employer ANY leeway.

    Do this…or begone.

    I will take a job with risks I can accept, but I will NOT take a job where you FORCE unacceptable risks ON ME.

    I can only assume they WANT the nursing homes destaffed so the patients will die.

    Because that’s what’s going to happen.

    It’s good for Government, I suppose. Less Medicare payout, lots of inheritance taxes (if they didn’t bankrupt their patients first), lots of quarrelsome people who may have fought commmunism no longer around to speak against it, and – bonus – no matter HOW dead, they can still vote Democrat.

    Kind of a win-win-win for the reprobate pedophile and his mininons when you look at it that way.

    …I won’t be surprised if everyone quits, some to avoid the Jab, others becasue of the huge workload that will dump on them.

    I will only be surprised if anyone STAYS.

    …and the people who will suffer the most, are the people who can defend themselves the least.

    …funny how that always seems to be the case when Democrats get involved…

  5. Mulder and Onalaska Care Center should be shut down. The residents don’t deserve the care. They are inbred/hybrid satanists whose entire life is destruction. The black masses they are holding are obscene. Mulder is in West Salem, WI and Onalaska Care Center is in Onalaska, WI.

  6. Speaking of ‘MEDICAID’, those with older relatives should take note of the recent scam by HRA-Medicaid against older people. Medicaid has recently and fraudulently enrolled multitudes of elders onto their rolls with a HUGE spend-down (spend-downs are similar to large co-pays and premiums) without the subscribers’s knowledge or permission. This is being done mostly to unsuspecting mediCARE clients so check your elder’s insurance regularly for MEDICAID’s fraud and tampering. Put NOTHING past this sinister admin’s grasping accomplices.

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