Who Will Be The Vindicator To ‘Cancel’ China? – IOTW Report

Who Will Be The Vindicator To ‘Cancel’ China?

Issues and Insights:

“White House won’t back Trump’s call for China to pay $10T in COVID reparations.”  — New York Post

“U.S. trade deficit hits record $75.7 billion in June … So far this year, the goods deficit with China, the largest that the United States runs with any country, totals $158.5 billion, an increase of 19.2% compared to the same period in 2020.” — APNews

For once the Bidenites have something right: Paramount Leader Xi isn’t about to scribble a check amounting to nearly half our annual gross domestic product. 

And why should he when China shockingly came out of COVID in an even stronger position vis-à-vis the U.S. economically?

Not to mention that the Chinese are the tightwad tyrants who of late, according to the Wall Street Journal, have “blown up what would have been the world’s largest initial public offering, launched probes into some of (China’s) biggest technology companies, and wiped out more than $1 trillion in market value while investors scramble for cover.”

The goal? “(E)nsuring companies do more to serve the Communist Party’s economic, social and national-security concerns.”

But then that’s always the Chinese goal. More sops to Xi and his bloodthirsty brethren, at your expense. More record surpluses. More displaced American jobs. More access to (and theft of) U.S. intellectual property as table stakes for access to their 1.45 billion-person-strong market. More leverage over our business, entertainment, education and cultural institutions.  read more

8 Comments on Who Will Be The Vindicator To ‘Cancel’ China?

  1. If we want China canceled, we are the ones to do it. We are their revenue stream. Stop buying anything from China. If we all did it for 6 months we’d bring them to their knees.

  2. bobh

    Not true. We just purchased some home office furniture. We had to search for a while but we did end up with American made. In some cases you are right. But it’s worth the extra effort trying to find American made.

  3. bobh

    All the other Asian countries can easily take the simple manufacturing jobs out of China. It just takes some time & will. (Trump)

    I bought an awesome G&L Guitar made in Indonesia that makes a ChYneZe stratocraper look like shit.


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