The Bastards Burnt Down the Merry-Go-Round – IOTW Report

The Bastards Burnt Down the Merry-Go-Round

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: While the dusty rock strewn armpit of central Asia is reeling from the fallout of the U.S. withdrawal, Russian government officials and state media are busy extolling the Taliban — the new sheriff in town.
On Tuesday, an article by state news outlet Vesti gushed that the Taliban “is displaying unprecedented liberalism” towards women by allowing them to continue working in television.
On Monday, anchor of state TV channel Rossiya-24 pointed out that according to Russia’s ambassador to Afghanistan Dmitry Zhirnov, Kabul is a much more peaceful place under Taliban rule. The program showcased a clip of what appeared to be jolly Taliban members at the amusement park—riding around in bumper cars and bouncing on a trampoline.

“According to all the information coming in, the Taliban is not what it used to be… Unthinkably, they even permitted golf and soccer! The atmosphere in Kabul is so calm that Taliban fighters are riding carousels like children and jumping around on trampolines.”

But the next day…

6 Comments on The Bastards Burnt Down the Merry-Go-Round

  1. Follow the money: the uniparty used war to make themselves rich. It ain’t just Clinton and the rest: McConnell, Romney, Graham: they’re all part of it. The only good news is that Trump busted them all, and that McCain is dead.

  2. All we have to do is continually overfly their poppy fields with a healthy dose of AGENT ORANGE and put their opium crop and business out of business!!! That’s all they have to keep them going and their biggest customer is…you guessed it the fukin’ CIA!


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