Wouldn’t Surprise Me If It Happens – IOTW Report

Wouldn’t Surprise Me If It Happens

16 Comments on Wouldn’t Surprise Me If It Happens

  1. Since we’re speculating, what if Kammie sees this administration will do nothing except destroy her reputation and ruin any future political opportunities decides to resign before biden is removed from office?

  2. In preparation, anytime a democrat leaves the White House to a republican:

    1) Check that the silverware is still present
    2) Replace the keyboards & PC’s, you know they fucked with them.
    3) Sweep for FBI, CIA, etc. listening devices
    4) Remove the Che’ & BLM busts and bring back Reagan & Churchill
    5) Throw out all the food in the kitchen, especially that fucking ice-cream!
    6) Fire everyone!

  3. @Wild Bill –

    “…Saw one at Pookies Toons – An Afghani chasing a C-17 was waving a TRUMP WON banner…”

    Just now saw your comment. THAT is funny! Although sadly, under the current regime it would get him killed.


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