Oklahoma Mom Flies to Afghanistan and Rescues Group of Afghan Girls from Taliban – IOTW Report

Oklahoma Mom Flies to Afghanistan and Rescues Group of Afghan Girls from Taliban

Neon Nettle:

An Oklahoma mom has flown into terrorist-seized Afghanistan and rescued ten Afghan girls from the Taliban, according to reports.

Allyson Reneau, 60, went on a rescue mission to save Afghanistan’s all-girls robotics team after reports of a Taliban takeover prompted fears over their safety.

Reneau was on the board of directors for Explore Mars when the organization flew the Afghan Girls Robotic Team to its annual Humans to Mars Conference in 2019.  more here

9 Comments on Oklahoma Mom Flies to Afghanistan and Rescues Group of Afghan Girls from Taliban

  1. Has she been arrested for human trafficking, violation of the Foreign Agent Registration Act and making the State Department look like the hapless incompetents that they are?

  2. Just like his previous boss, Hussein Oblowme, this commander-in-thief is leading from behind. So righteous citizens must rise and do what the poser will not do.


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