Biden to Force US Airlines to Fly Tens of Thousands of Afghan Refugees to America – IOTW Report

Biden to Force US Airlines to Fly Tens of Thousands of Afghan Refugees to America

Neon Nettle:

Democrat Joe Biden is preparing to force U.S. airline companies to transport tens of thousands of refugees from Afghanistan for the problem he created.

The Wall Street Journal reported that the White House is considering activating the Civil Reserve Air Fleet, or CRAF, to provide five airlines to assist U.S. military efforts to evacuate from bases in the region.

The outlet also noted:

“Officials are considering alternatives for ramping up the evacuation effort, which include expanding the number of bases in the region to reduce overcrowding, officials said, a move that could augment the use of civilian airlines or avert the need for them.”

Military bases in the United States are now being designated to provide housing for the refugees. more

23 Comments on Biden to Force US Airlines to Fly Tens of Thousands of Afghan Refugees to America

  1. There’s no fucking way. I just watched a C130 leaving Kabul and popping it’s thermal flares to get the fuck out of there with out taking a missile up it’s tail pipe. That airport is surrounded by terrorists and Biden gave them the hand held missiles. This has got to be a joke.

  2. We’re gonna need a new infrastructure bill to cover all the free stuff they’ll need. This is going to piss off the Mexican “refugees” who thought they were the promised people.

  3. Weird how we never hear what the covid situation is in Afghanistan. I hope they’v got enough masks for all those refugees. And covid tests, for when they get here. To quarantine, of course. And get their jabs. Because there’s a deadly Delta Variant pandemic here, don’t you know. Right, Fauci?

    Man, I feel bad for those foight attendants.

  4. …anyone remember this?

    “This” is a contracted cargo 747 crashing in takeoff in Afghanistan. The proximate cause for this crash was an armored vehicle in the hold not adequately strapped down for the severe departure angle this flight took from the runway.

    Look at that last part.

    …the REASON that this flight, and ALL such flights had to leave at this radical angle was to facilitate an expedited climb.

    To avoid Taliban with hand-launched missiles at the end of the runway.

    …and THIS was in 2013, when we ran the place.

    …now that we DON’T, do you think attacks like that are LESS likely?

    ESPECIALLY since the Pedodent left them MODERN MISSILES?

    …it’s bad enough that brave military air crews are having to do this. At least they have up-armored planes designed for combat zones and training to match.

    But sure, let’s put some bright white civilian planes out there too, with NO armor, NO flares, NO electronic countermeasures, and crews NOT trained OR signed up for this duty.

    …what could POSSIBLY go wrong?…

  5. @Thirdtwin – it’s like the tree that falls in the forest that makes no sound because no one is around to hear it.

    So too are the issues that the LSM chooses not to cover. They make no sound, hence they never happened.

  6. @SNS – the video you posted was odd in one respect. If I witnessed a deadly crash like that, I would be shouting Holy Shittt, Holy Fuck, dear God what just happened?! Instead, there was silence. Odd. Does it strike anyone else as being odd?

  7. “Biden to Force US Airlines to Fly Tens of Thousands …”

    Funny, but that authority isn’t in my copy of the Constitution under Article II.
    Or anywhere else, for that matter.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. “the REASON that this flight, and ALL such flights had to leave at this radical angle was to facilitate an expedited climb.”

    Yeah, I dropped my corkscrew leaving Sarajevo that one time. Or was it Ben…Bosnia, or something. I could hardly stand up, it was so steep. But I did manage to stand down. Or was that in Ben—somewhere else.

  9. I think we’ve finally hit on the real reason Jackass Joe Shut down Afghanistan.
    To tap into a new treasure trove of democRAT voters!!
    In his own words about Americans left behind: “Fuck ’em! Nixon did the same thing”

  10. Only the military mind of a complete Imbecile would send civilian aircraft into a war zone!! Jackass Joe is destined to have one helluva lot of American blood on his hands1

  11. No excuse.
    There’s only one reason good people got left behind, they want them to die horrible deaths. It was all pre-planned. Opps don’t cut it.
    Prove I’m wrong.

  12. Of course it’s a disaster – unless enough Americans die, how else are Biden’s handlers going to justify returning to another twenty years of military involvement?


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