Kamala Harris To Campaign For Gov. Newsom in Bay Area – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris To Campaign For Gov. Newsom in Bay Area

CA Global:

On Friday, California Governor Gavin Newsom’s campaign announced that Vice President Kamala Harris will come to California next week to rally Democratic voters in the Bay Area.

Vice President Harris, who was the District Attorney of San Francisco at the same time Governor Newsom was Mayor of the city in the mid 2000’s, will appear with Newsom throughout the Bay Area next Friday, with further details to be released early next week.

“I am excited to join my friend and our Vice President next week,” said the Newsom campaign in a statement. “The stakes of this election couldn’t be higher. The Vice President and Governor Newsom will urge Californians to vote NO on the recall and prevent a Trump-supporting Republican from becoming California’s next Governor.”

Newsom’s announcement on Friday is only the latest in the growing Washington-backed movement to stop the recall. Earlier this year, President Joe Biden, Vice President Harris, and other top Democrats in Washington largely ignored the recall race, only giving verbal support during certain times. Joe Biden only initially denounced the recall in February due to signature collection still not being complete. Harris had only spoken out when questioned about it on a California visit. And top House and Senate Democratic leaders only spoke against the recall when they needed to convince other Democrats not to run in the recall. more

26 Comments on Kamala Harris To Campaign For Gov. Newsom in Bay Area

  1. That means they’re not getting rid of Joe anytime soon. And this is the cue for the media to stop slagging Joe and start the image rehab news cycles. Everything you saw in the media this past week never happened.

    Watch Jake Tapper start sucking Biden’s cock tomorrow. Although he may have to get in line behind the NRO cucks.

  2. If anything, her appearance will bring in MORE votes for the recall. Talk about being politically deaf and not knowing your audience.

  3. Don’t under-estimate the stupidity of a majority of California voters. My wife’s family is in the Bay Area. We are regularly astonished by how enthusiastically uninformed and stupid they are in their support of Democrats. It’s a mind-hive thing; it never ever occurs to them that anyone else would have a different opinion other than ‘Trump is bad’ and ‘Democrats are wonderful.’ If people like them vote, Governor Nettlesome stays. Better hope the big enthusiasm gap remains between Ds and motivated and pissed off Rs. AND, that the Ds don’t steal too many votes. Democrats are loathsome but are mindless and follow their ‘leaders.’ Loathsome

  4. Cumswalla’s photo above doesn’t show the tattoo on her right leg, says” Willie B’s dog pissed here right after he did”, a real money maker for her in her prime days/night side job.

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