Maryland: Gov. Hogan Says He Is Accepting Afghan Refugees – IOTW Report

Maryland: Gov. Hogan Says He Is Accepting Afghan Refugees

For what? Dinner?

Newsmax: Maryland GOP Gov. Larry Hogan said Sunday his state has already accepted some Afghan refugees — and intends to welcome more.

In an interview on CBS News’ “Face The Nation,” Hogan says he was the first governor in American to make the gesture.

“I was the first governor in America to reach out and say we wanted to … take more of these special immigrant visas for the folks that have been our allies that we’ve made a commitment to,” he said.

“We’ve got to stand by them. We’ve got to get our Americans out, and we’ve got to get those- those allies out of there as well. And we’re going to do everything we can to help do that. …We’ve already received some over the past week or two into our state and we’re going to try to get as many as we can.”

But Hogan made it clear he believes the withdrawal of U.S troops from Afghanistan is “an unmitigated disaster.” more

21 Comments on Maryland: Gov. Hogan Says He Is Accepting Afghan Refugees

  1. I can only imagine what Our governor here in PA will be doing? Wolf will probably have a welcome parade for them. Am I the only person able to see Gov. Wolf’s extra chromosome?

  2. Say goodbye to America! Sorry but how do we get out of this? Damn rhino!! Plus China and Russia are loving this. Biden to make millions and pelosi and ilk will be worshiping the golden calf. Serfs R Us.

  3. …..and we’re going to try to get as many as we can.”

    Let me translate for you.

    We are going to be paid by the corrupt federal government for every one of these unvetted America haters that we take.

  4. Ship em to Monkey, PG, and Baltimore.
    Course Anne Arundel’s a shit-hole now, too.
    Charles and St. Mary’s right behind.

    Yeah, he’s right – filthy goat-fukkin murderous ragheads will improve Maryland!

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Allowing the “friendly” Afghan men into your civilization is trouble. Their code of morals is unacceptable. There are a half dozen European countries that will automatically deport Afghans. I know of only one Afghan that I would somewhat trust and he had a Cambridge education but ran 3 businesses. He was my driver/bodyguard off and on for a number of years. He was politically connected and anti-Taliban but he was always high on hashish. I hope he made it out but I would not like to see him in the US. He would be trouble.

  6. This guy must be hoping for a big pat on the back from Biden and a higher paying job in Washington. What would the voters say about who’s going to be paying for this, Hogan?

  7. Hogan is about the best one can expect from the electorate of Merryland. I’m surprised, actually, that he’s lasted this long. Hogan’s probably thinking that the Afghanis can, in some way, counter the progtard demonrats in Baltimore, Howard Co., Anne Arundel, Mo’honkey, PG, Charles counties … doubtful
    Merryland is a vassal state to the Fed. Gov. in DC (like Northern VA) … it’s all a support system of bedroom community bureaucrats, contractors, suppliers, consultants to the FedGov

    btw, Hogan is a fatty because after he won the governorship he contracted cancer, & the killer cocktail that was prescribed for his cancer was one of those massive weight-bloaters that are so prevalent in cancer victims … so I cut him a bit of slack in that area

    Merryland is NOT electing another repub for a long, long time … count your blessings while you can

  8. Why is a state governor allowed to make such a call?
    Shouldn’t a legislature, which is more accountable to the electorate?

    Let me guess, more ’emergency powers’ ?
    When did our entire government flip to a petulant monarchy?


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