The FDA has approved drugs against its advisors’ warnings – IOTW Report

The FDA has approved drugs against its advisors’ warnings

So why should we trust the FDA on the Corona Shots?
I’m sure we can bring up a list of all the drugs that the FDA approved that have been recalled due
to ineffectiveness or injury.

Any lawyers out there?

FDA Panel Advisor Who Panned New Alzheimer’s Drug Speaks Out.

WEDNESDAY, July 28, 2021 (HealthDay News) — An outside advisor to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s review of the controversial Alzheimer’s drug Aduhelm is now speaking out, arguing that the approval was based on dodgy science and involved questionable collaboration between regulators and the drug’s maker.

“I’m not surprised at the controversy because I think it’s a horrible decision. I think the FDA got it wrong,” said Dr. G. Caleb Alexander, a professor with the Johns Hopkins Center for Drug Safety and Effectiveness, in Baltimore.

Alexander sat on an 11-member FDA advisory panel that met in November to review data from two clinical trials related to Aduhelm. Ten of the members, including Alexander, voted against approving the drug; one was uncertain. No one voted yes.

“There are many gray areas to pharmaceutical regulation, and there are many cases where the FDA has to make tough calls,” Alexander now says. “This wasn’t one of them. There wasn’t a lot of gray here. That’s the thing that’s so striking.”

The subsequent approval of Aduhelm (aducanumab), which went against the advisory board’s recommendation, has created something of a firestorm in the usually sedate world of medicine.

Major medical centers like the Cleveland Clinic and Mount Sinai have already announced they will not use Aduhelm, and an inspector general’s review has been launched into the process by which the FDA approved the medication. much more here

h/t ToreSaysShow

18 Comments on The FDA has approved drugs against its advisors’ warnings

  1. So they have thoroughly corrupted the FDA.

    We need to bail on these rats, take what is.ours and form a greater, but smaller America – which will be more powerful.

    We cab’t share a country with these corrupt, evil parasites.

  2. Reducing the (surplus, now useless) overall population, one geriatric citizen at a time.

  3. Approved and “approved” wink, wink are fundamentally different in kind, not just degree. “Approved” signifies that it is politically expedient to make a mockery of the approval process. Approved is a guarantee that the scientific method has been followed and the statistical probability is that a vaccination is safe and effective. “Approved” doesn’t have much, if any, significance regarding much of anything other than that there has been a political decision made to sell it to the public.

  4. Credibility, once lost, is very difficult to regain. FDA approval without long or medium term tested evidence strips the last shred of credibility from the institution. Good DAY sir!

  5. All that fine print on the paperwork you sign before the vax needs to say it is guaranteed safe and they will be liable for suffering and or death caused by it so families can sue for damages.

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