Joe Biden: ‘A Lot Could Still Go Wrong’ with Afghanistan Evacuations – IOTW Report

Joe Biden: ‘A Lot Could Still Go Wrong’ with Afghanistan Evacuations


President Joe Biden warned Americans to expect a difficult process to evacuate more citizens, visa holders, and refugees from Afghanistan on Sunday.

“We have a long way to go. And a lot could still go wrong,” Biden said during an afternoon speech at the White House. The president was 18 minutes late in appearing.
He repeatedly offered excuses for the chaotic process, claiming there was “no way” to evacuate so many people without “pain and loss.”

“Nothing about this effort is easy,” he said.

Biden also tried to empathize with Americans concerned about the process, calling the images and videos emerging from the scene “heartbreaking.”

The president’s tone was sharply different from his more optimistic address on Friday about the ongoing efforts in Afghanistan.

Biden argued the process was never going to be easy, trying to avoid blame for the chaotic exit from the country. more

12 Comments on Joe Biden: ‘A Lot Could Still Go Wrong’ with Afghanistan Evacuations

  1. Building the Taliban Back Better is going to have disastrous consequences. Afghanis and Americans will be paying for this Catastrophe long after President* Dementia Joe Obiden Bama and VeepThroat Kalamity Harris have fled the scene of their crimes. The excrement has just started to hit the fan blades. It’s going to get a lot worse.

  2. So your plan is working perfectly?
    Arming our enemies, leaving Americans to die by the thousands and giving the world an excuse to never trust us again.
    The people that voted for Slow Joe are useful idiots. One can only hope they would realize what they have done.


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