Ex-Afghan President’s Brother Is the Newest Member of the Taliban’ – IOTW Report

Ex-Afghan President’s Brother Is the Newest Member of the Taliban’

TownHall: We have suffered our fair share of humiliations with our exit from Afghanistan. The Biden White House didn’t see it coming even though some people at the State Department and the Intelligence Community did. They sent memos throughout the summer. Granted, everyone also seems to have turned a blind eye towards the Taliban paying off Afghan army commanders, but you know that story. After 20 years of warfare, we’re right back to where we started from in the country—with the Taliban in control. It’s an ignominious way to depart. It’s compounded by the chaotic scene in Kabul where we’re now forced to trust the Taliban with the safety of our citizens trying to get to the airport. Over 600,000 US-made weapons are now in the hands of the Taliban. Some undoubtedly will be sold on the black market. And finally, the brother of the now-former president of Afghanistan, Ashraf Ghani, has now joined the Taliban. Talk about a coup de grâce plunge right there.  more

6 Comments on Ex-Afghan President’s Brother Is the Newest Member of the Taliban’

  1. Is this on CNN, NPR, ABC, CBS, NBC, NYT or WAPO? Anywhere the people who voted for this might see it?

    Biden has already said that nobody is getting fired, but I have to ask: fired for what? Nothing has happened to warrant any firings. C’mon, man…four days ago, five days ago…two weeks ago in a couple more days.

    And cares if our drones are already in China? They stole that technology long ago.

  2. That is why you can’t trust the Afghans, but they’re bringing up to 10,000 to Texas.
    They’ve quit showing the inside of planes, probably to cover up 90% are fighting age men.
    Some of the military guys are saying we need to bring them here. Others are saying to hell with that far too many of them would be your ally one day and trying to kill you the next. That even those who were trustworthy would be trouble in this country.

    People keep saying when is the shooting going to start, we’re allowing ourselves to be outnumbered to the point we will lose the war.

  3. “After 20 years of warfare, we’re right back to where we started from in the country…”

    …no we’re not.

    They are MUCH stronger, armed with OUR weapons that Pedo gave them, and soon to be enriched further by selling our tech to Russia and China.

    We are MUCH weaker, with a senile, syphilis infected pedophile as a mere figurehead for a shadow government who China and Russia can blackmail at will and who does NOT have ANY concern for American interests at ALL. When not destroying any Alled confidence in the United States and degrading our military, he’s busily importing unvetted Taliban fighters INTO OUR COUNTRY while further oppressing and disarming American citizens.

    …no, we’re NOT back where we started. Things are much, MUCH better.

    …for the Taliban.

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