Afghanistan: $2.26 Trillion of Your Money Spent, Much Squandered on Lavish Palaces for Corrupt Officials – IOTW Report

Afghanistan: $2.26 Trillion of Your Money Spent, Much Squandered on Lavish Palaces for Corrupt Officials

PJM: Over the last twenty years in Afghanistan, 2,443 Americans were killed and 20,666 were wounded, as $2.26 trillion were spent in the quixotic and foredoomed hope of transforming the graveyard of empires into a stable, Western-style republic. But if you were to go to Afghanistan today to try to see the effect of all this profligate spending (which I wouldn’t actually advise, under the circumstances), you’d have an easier time spotting how American money was put to use in the luxury homes of former Afghan government officials rather than, obviously, in actual successes in pushing back the Taliban.

Americans got a telling glimpse of their taxpayer dollars at work in Afghanistan when the Taliban on August 15 entered the residence of General Abdul Rashid Dostum in Mazar-i-Sharif. Dostum was a marshal in the disgraced and dissipated Afghan National Army, and served as first vice president of Afghanistan (which had two, because you can never have too much of a good thing) from 2016 until February 2020. He was a vociferous foe of the Taliban and a key U.S. ally when the first Taliban regime was toppled, although his relationship with Washington later soured (he was accused of war crimes) to the degree that, even while serving as first vice president in the American-backed Afghan government, he was barred in 2016 from entering the U.S.
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13 Comments on Afghanistan: $2.26 Trillion of Your Money Spent, Much Squandered on Lavish Palaces for Corrupt Officials

  1. Gee what a surprise.
    Because it’s not like the exact thing hasn’t happened in every other country America has showered her Christian charity upon. The crooked politicians skim 97% off the top and the good citizens get the rest, after fees, of course.
    Pearls before swine, my dears.

  2. I wasn’t there and maybe different soldiers who were and what their job description was have differing opinions and observations, but over the years I’ve talked to different military people who were there, mostly those who were there in the first 5 or 6 years.
    None of them have any use for Afghans, they said 99.9% of the men are scum who rape little boys, screw animals, will work for the highest bidder and have no qualms of trying to shoot you in the back or cut your head off. They all are liars and have no loyalty to anyone or anything.
    These men also have no use for our government who didn’t care the men they were told to rely on were trying to kill them or lead them into ambushes. They were told to look the other way when they raped little boys. They were punished when they saved the little boys.

    I for one don’t want that shit here, but apparently they are already here.

  3. The REAL reason Biden and Co. are scrambling and panicking is because they LET the Taliban take our weapons so they and the corrupt Military Industrial Complex can go back into Afghanistan and start the war grift all over again. But their diabolical plan has just BLOWN UP in their faces!

  4. Conservatives said GWB was wrong 19 years ago. Conservatives were RIGHT (no pun).

    Manny of “our betters” got a little richer from “The War on Terror”; some a lot richer!

  5. Call Afghanistan (with Iraq) W’s War.

    He’ll never elude blame for this and what really happened on 911, which is why he’s drinking, has a Mooch fetish and talks nonsense. He is place in history is buried in a sea of blue stuff in a porta-potty.

    Except that he’s a vindictive Bush loyalist, we wouldn’t have gone into Iraq and he has NO reason to insult President Trump.
    And apparently the Cheneys’ place is as Bush lapdogs.

  6. You can bet that a large percentage of that $2.26 Trillion made it into the pockets of our political class and their sycophants, toadies, and donors.
    And don’t tell me there’s no way to account for every penny of it. The IRS will follow every nickel of every working man.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. “grabbed $52 million in cash and took off for Dubai,”
    Better money than selling crack pipe paintings.

    “LET the Taliban take our weapons”
    All part of the plan, they “gave” them all the equipment.
    Why would you send that much equipment, if your leaving anyway.


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