Keeping Fear Alive – IOTW Report

Keeping Fear Alive

Reluctant to set the public free, policymakers and the public-health bureaucracy set unachievable and unnecessary goals.

John Tierney: Throughout the pandemic, American political and public-health leaders have been following Rahm Emanuel’s classic dictum for power-seeking officials: “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.” Now they’ve adopted a corollary: you never want a crisis to end.

So they are prolonging the national misery instead of easing it, which could be done with a few simple strategies. Explain to the public that the virus will never disappear but is no longer a mortal threat to the vast majority of Americans. Encourage the minority still at risk to get vaccinated by honestly discussing who is in jeopardy and what scientists have learned about infections. Promote treatments proven to prevent infection and speed recovery while avoiding unproven treatments and mandates that cause collateral damage and generate mistrust. Above all, make it clear to Americans that we finally have reason to celebrate: what once seemed an unprecedented danger is now just one of many pathogens that we know how to live with.

But the nation’s crisismongers aren’t about to relinquish their hold over the public, so they’ve set new goals that are as unachievable as they are unnecessary and harmful. Making vaccines available to every American adult is no longer sufficient; now the crisis cannot end until the entire population has been vaccinated. Instead of focusing efforts on vaccinating the vulnerable, officials obsess on compelling universal obedience, even if that means squandering vaccines on people who already have acquired natural immunity or are at minimal risk of serious illness. more

13 Comments on Keeping Fear Alive

  1. I check the numbers daily. The third (and final) wave of cases has just peaked globally, will peak this week in USA. And then numbers will drop off, to next to nothing a month from now. How will they continue to project a crisis when the numbers say otherwise?
    Oh, they will certainly do everything they can.

  2. …it’s working…they even got pretend defender of the Second Amendment, the NRA, to cancel their annual meeting in Houston because…FakeFlu.

    …as long as we YIELD to tyrants like a bunch of cowards, tyrants WILL tyrannize us like a bunch of cowards, so the NRA is just once again showing us they have no war face and are not prepared to actually fight, as this will go on…and on…and ON, until we stand up to them, or simply IGNORE them, but it HAS to be in numbers they can’t easily kill or jail all at once, the NRA COULD have been the flash point but has delicately demurred to facism.

    …And so goes the nation…

  3. The COVID scare will end at some point. Even now the are working at the next pandemic with which to shut everything down and continue to control our lives. They want to be prepared.

  4. Facts:

    The PCR test is garbage.

    Masks don’t work.

    The vaccines don’t work.

    The vaccines can and are doing great harm.

    There is continued denial of valid COVID theraputics in the U.S.

    The focus of public health agencies across the U.S. is still on statistics and not remedies / health.

    But these facts (and others) are not the heart of the crisis.

    The real crisis is the abject STUPIDITY of the American people.

  5. It would be great to get Fauci and the Covid task force together and make them take the vaccine, with witnesses. Like Erin Brockovich tried to make the executives drink the tap water of Hinkley, Calif.
    They all refused.

  6. Anonymous
    AUGUST 25, 2021 AT 3:43 PM

    …The real crisis is the abject STUPIDITY of the American people”

    …and cowardice.

    Don’t forget cowardice.

    It’s at LEAST as important, maybe MORE, to keeping the entire populace in thrall with an imginary problem…

  7. Anyone who ever served in the military knows how basic training went. Your first week is spent running around doing crazy stuff you don’t understand and everyone is ordering you around. The entire point of that is to get you accustomed to obeying those in charge without question, no matter what stupid shit they order you to do.

    The fake plague is the same thing. They’re training the population to do what they’re told when they’re told no matter how goddamn stupid and pointless it is. Because the ruling class have convinced themselves they’re “saving the planet”. It’s just more climate cult bullshit. And the only carbon they want done away with is us.

  8. You WILL comply, mere commoners. We KNOW how you should live your life so much better than you do. We will make ALL decisions for you, for you are all incapable of such things. Obey or else.

  9. The ’emotional contagion’ tactic is what the profiteers used against the world’s populations. If they get anyone at all with the sly psych-tactic just a little bit, they got that individual fully.

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