Arm Yourself With Information. – IOTW Report

Arm Yourself With Information.

Today’s show: Tore Says goes through the ‘FDA / Pfizer vax approval’ documents.
Where is the ‘vaccine’ manufactured?
Where do the ingredients come from?
Is your doctor paid insane sums of money to get patients ‘vaxxed’?
How do they categorize the guinea pigs ‘vaccinated’?
Why would the FDA use a Pfizer owned company which was cited for several safety complaints?

Podcast: Tue 24 Aug: VAXWARZ – Kill Shots – Mil Targets – Shady Labs – Paid2Jab – Stat Lies – Fake Approval

Or watch on video at Trovo: starts at 4:30

Please, be patient, there’s a lot of good information.
Rumble- ToreSaysShow

11 Comments on Arm Yourself With Information.

  1. Why “pay” attention when the DNC and Joey Biden are doing it for me?

    C’mon man he’s got our back….(even if it is just to sniff our hair).

    Btw did you know that a fart is just pre-scented air?

  2. I’m in several back & forths about this “vaccine” and the simple fact is that NOTHING you present to one of these true believers will change their minds. I’ve linked videos from the actual inventor of the mRna spike proteins to a number of PhDs in virology including the exhead of Phizer’s R&D department, all of whom are raising legitimate doubts.

    I’ve actually been told that the CDC mask mandates have worked which is why we need them again.

    Nothing matters. They’ve been “vaccinated” and my health(or theirs) is most definitely NOT the issue.

  3. She never finishes her train of thought. The tangents drive me crazy. In small doses I do like her, but something like this I’d rather rely on Dr. Robert Malone or even Robert Barnes, who spends his time ‘weed eating’ all this gobbledygook so he can sue the FDA etc. Then presents concise presentations to the public so everyone can follow along. check him out,

  4. MMinWA… i feel your pain and agree having suffered through a similar situation in my ‘next-door’ community. There is a person we all know too well that is rude and completely disparages people’s intellect, curiosity, and helpfulness to the community. That only SHE, can disseminate said information because SHE is the authority. Plus she uses her ADA status to punish anyone that says anything that cuts her too close to the bone with truth. I feel so sorry for the community to have to be a captive audience and listen to her authoritative tutoring. FUCK HER and her handicaps, whatever the hell they are.

  5. All I know is I don’t trust it. Pfizer has corruption surrounding it. Between the Bill Gates being a large owner of stock, Fauci, too. AND The FDA head quit and is now on Pfizer’s board. Too scary.

    Say your prayers everyday!!

    God Bless us all!!!!


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