Howie Carr: Biden’s assisted-living facility is at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue – IOTW Report

Howie Carr: Biden’s assisted-living facility is at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

Howie Carr: The incoherencies, gaffes and general buffoonery has been piling up so fast at the assisted-living facility at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue that it’s time for another midweek edition of Weekend at Biden’s.

Most recent attention about the ongoing catastrophe at the White House has focused on “Afghanistant” – as Dementia Joe Biden called it last week. Even the far-left New York Times is now fact-checking Biden. (Verdict: two “misleadings,” one “false.”)

But Biden’s “cognitive decline,” as his condition is now generally described, isn’t restricted to foreign affairs.

If you want one moment that sums up the utter chaos of the Biden regime, consider Monday when Dementia Joe was standing in front of a backdrop that said, in at least five different places, VACCINES.GOV.

And Joe kept babbling at the television audience, “Go to,”

Well, I guess it’s a slight improvement over his earlier exhortations to visit “vaccines.gum.”

But it’s not just about Afghanistan(t) and the Panic, Dementia Joe has also had to deal with the tropical storm Henri.

Let’s start with his disastrous Sunday press conference, when Dementia Joe forgot the name of his new FEMA director. more here

12 Comments on Howie Carr: Biden’s assisted-living facility is at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

  1. If the consequences weren’t so dire it’d be funny. I wouldn’t trust him to watch my grandson much less the nuclear football. The way the media and his minions (I repeat myself) cover for him is as criminal as leaving people to die at the hands of the taliban.

  2. The White House – world’s most expensive and secure assisted living facility.
    Bidentia – A devastating condition where a severely compromised dementia patient is used for political gain by a select few “handlers” working in the background. All the while, the patient is lead to believe he is cognizant and “important”, and is presented to the public as “legitimate”.

  3. Was anybody else surprised that Dementia Joe didn’t challenge Peter Alexander to an IQ test or a push-up contest instead his passive aggressive taunt – “You’ll be the first one I call” along with that stupid smirk?

  4. @TRF: I remember the feeling well. It’s worse this time though, because the horror is being perpetrated in our name. Last time around, we had a foreign enemy and young Americans signed on to fight them. This time, America is showing her arse on the international stage. Our allies are endangered, our troops are humiliated and helpless, and no right thinking patriot would enlist now.

  5. I’m sure you also remember when the national sentiment was that is was better to fight terrorism abroad rather than here at home. Well guess what… that’s all going to be coming back here in spades thanks to Jackass Joe!

  6. just wondering- does the ‘infrastructure’ bill include funding for one of them fancy-pants, high falutin’ pelosi style freezers for ice cream, to be installed in the White House? If joey is getting one of them, he’s gonna be around for a while- I don’t think he haas one in his basement back in delaware.

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