Spain’s Supreme Court Shuts Down Local Corona-Passport Push – IOTW Report

Spain’s Supreme Court Shuts Down Local Corona-Passport Push

Townhall: I know with Afghanistan collapsing, Biden being AWOL, American troops being killed in Kabul, and the ongoing COVID pandemic—some stuff fell through the cracks. Yet, the panic peddlers are still pushing for mandatory vaccinations, mask mandates, and other protocols that simply did not curb the spread of COVID months ago. Now, we have this COVID passport idea that should send chills down everyone’s spines.

It’s not new.
This idea of showing vaccination status to enter certain public spaces has been floated for weeks. It’s still a joint project where government and Big Tech join forces which should cause hesitation. In France, their COVID passport policy recently went into effect with disconcerting footage of police asking Parisians at cafes and other locations to show their passports. Yet, in Spain, where one local government tried to enact such an initiative, the nation’s Supreme Court shot it down, citing it failed its “proportionality test”. MORE

1 Comment on Spain’s Supreme Court Shuts Down Local Corona-Passport Push

  1. Surprising things from Spain.
    I was in Vigo some years ago and the mussels and wine were fantastic.
    AND the people (who I expected to be sullen – Goya, Velazquez, El Greco) were a joy to be around.

    izlamo delenda est …


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