U.S. Launches Drone Strike in Afghanistan – IOTW Report

U.S. Launches Drone Strike in Afghanistan


The Pentagon announced Friday night a drone strike was launched against an ISIS-Khorasan “planner” and an associate in eastern Afghanistan. The strike was in response to the terrorist group’s suicide bombing outside of the Kabul airport Thursday, which killed 13 U.S. service members and wounded 20 more. More than 80 Afghans desperately trying to escape the Taliban were also killed. 

“U.S. military forces conducted an over-the-horizon counterterrorism operation today against an ISIS-K planner. The unmanned airstrike occurred in the Nangahar Province of Afghanistan. Initial indications are that we killed the target. We know of no civilian casualties,” U.S. Central Command released in a statement. The individuals behind Thursday’s bombing remain at-large. more

22 Comments on U.S. Launches Drone Strike in Afghanistan

  1. Why do I have my doubts about this story.

    We killed (if we did) two… people… allegedly members of the conveniently new ISIS-K… one being a “planner”… yeah? of what.

    An attempt to rehabilitate the Biden administration’s ongoing utter FU.

  2. Too little, too late. The damage done is generational. And this is just the Afgan catastrophe. Then there is the border. Then the 3.5 trillion dollar scam.

    It took hundreds of years to get here, but 8 years of Clinton, 8 years of Obama and 6 months of Biden to destroy it all. And it is destroyed.

  3. There! Everything is fine now! Move along!

    I am guessing the Taliban supplied the target information — so it’s all legit.

    At least they didn’t destroy a baby formula factory like Bubba did.

  4. This from the man that counciled Obama NOT to take out Bin Laden!?! I don’t think so.

    No doubt we blew someone up, I just pray ir was not just a random person so Biden could claim it was an Isis leader.

  5. You damn well know it was just a random individual and a passenger in the attacked vehicle.

    Wake up people, the real “planner” was likely the wearer of the suicide vest.

    Biden can’t even find his socks when they’re on his feet.

  6. Textbook example of the tail wagging the dog. Like they had any alternatives availability at this juncture. Answer me this: what the Goddamned fuck else was available to them? I said that this was coming a week ago.

    This is all but admission they have no other option open and they are slaves to the situation they themselves have created and find themselves in. They have no other viable options open and it is as a result of their own idiocy and arrogance. Fuck em.

    They alone painted themselves into the corner they find themselves in. Fuck em.

  7. I will quote what I overheard in a picture frame shop in the prog shithole I happen to live in. Which happens to be one of the most progressive enclaves in greater prog shitdom.

    Thes fuckstick imbeciles have set progress back fifty years.

  8. As a final act at 11:00-11:59 pm August 31st Bagram Air base and Kandahar Air base needs to be leveled with a good carpet bombing. Have drone attacks used to take out any tech such as helicopters, airplanes, and MRAPs. Also throw in saturation bombing of known weapons and ammo cashes along with any known Talib leadership or Talib fighter concentrations. Take out all communication hubs and radio towers. Return Afghanistan back to like we found it.

  9. Waking up to find one or two of your fellow ISIS members taken out by a drone in the middle of the night just doesn’t deliver enough psychological punch to convince you to stop fighting.

    Now, visiting one of your safe houses one morning and finding said ISIS members lying in state in the middle of the floor with their heads quietly and cleanly removed and stuffed in a nearby sow carcass — THAT might do it.

  10. Be careful, you don’t want to make them mad.
    And be sure there is not any American flags flying that’ll really piss them off.
    Side note, I am pretty sure we could take our equipment back and no one could stop us. But the demons that are running this show wouldn’t have it.

  11. Does anyone really believe this “drone strike” bullshit? I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t blow up some random point on the map. But these are the same Ivy League brain trust assholes who closed Baghram Air Base before an evacuation, misread how fast the Taliban could take over Kabul, handed $80 billion in military hardware to the Taliban, and handed over the names and addresses of key Afghan allies and US personnel to the fucking Taliban as well.

    This worthless cunts at the DoD couldn’t find their own assholes with a mirror and a flashlight. They’re actually trying to make people believe that they knew where the so-called “leader” of the so-called “ISIS-K” group was but managed to completely fuck up every other piece of key intelligence for the past month?

    They’re lying their fat asses off to save their deservedly shitty reputations. Don’t be stupid enough to buy into this obvious lie.


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