Judge removes ‘Compassion Seattle’ charter amendment from ballot; initiative aimed to curb homelessness crisis – IOTW Report

Judge removes ‘Compassion Seattle’ charter amendment from ballot; initiative aimed to curb homelessness crisis


A state judge removed the “Compassion Seattle” measure from the November ballot on Friday, saying the proposal to change the way the city deals with its homeless population exceeds what the initiative process can legally do.  

King County Superior Court Judge Catherine Shaffer said in an afternoon ruling that the initiative to amend the city’s charter conflicts with existing state law. The judge explained that while voters might appreciate the mandates on the City Council to build more housing and clear tent encampments, such specific requirements are not what the charter amendments are for.

“You can’t amend a city charter to conflict with state law,” Shaffer said. “I like this charter amendment as a voter. But as a judge, it cannot stand.”

Proponents of the measure, who said there is no time for an appeal, criticized the judge’s reasoning. 

“While we are gratified that Judge Shaffer said that she would have voted for Charter Amendment 29 if, given that option, we strongly disagree with her ruling today denying Seattle voters the opportunity to have their voices heard on the number one issue facing our city,” said a spokesperson for the initiative’s backers. 

“This ruling means the only way the public can change the city’s current approach to homelessness is to change who is in charge at city hall.” 

Already qualified for the November ballot, “Compassion Seattle” sought to require the city to provide 2,000 units of emergency or permanent housing within a year and require the city to ensure parks, playgrounds and sidewalks remain clear of encampments if the housing and services are in place. more

4 Comments on Judge removes ‘Compassion Seattle’ charter amendment from ballot; initiative aimed to curb homelessness crisis

  1. Let’s build nice new housing for the homeless, which they will turn into absolute eye-sore slums in no time.

    Anyone who knows Seattle can probably make a pretty good guess as to where that new housing would have been built — and where it would NOT have been built. Much of it would have gone into West Seattle, the bastard step-child of the city.

  2. Vote out the city council…in Seattle….where they don’t get it at all.

    Bring in the logging equipment to clear the trespassers’ detritus, with or without idiots, load on a barge, send to Alaska… Aleutian Islands perhaps.

  3. Here is the problem in Seattle, and every other city in America with a homeless problem: “It was the ACLU, along with Seattle/King County Coalition on Homelessness and the Transit Riders Union, who successfully sued earlier this month to strip the measure from the ballot.”

    These assholes are the enemy of the people, and must be dealt with in an appropriate manner.


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