What Are Monoclonal Antibodies, How Can They Help, and Who Can Get Them? – IOTW Report

What Are Monoclonal Antibodies, How Can They Help, and Who Can Get Them?

Aug 14, 2021:
Stephen addresses the breaking news that Governor Ron DeSantis has launched a rapid response unit to distribute monoclonal antibody treatments to people who have already become infected with COVID-19.

Stephen explains what these antibodies are, how they are developed, who is producing them (Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc. and now Eli Lilly), how they are administered, and who is eligible to receive them. Stephen also mentions the critical timeline to receive these treatments, relative to infection date.

11 Comments on What Are Monoclonal Antibodies, How Can They Help, and Who Can Get Them?

  1. If this will end the covid jab madness by allowing big pharma to profit from an effective therapeutic other than the suppressed, cheap, known therapeutics, so be it. Best of luck, Governor DeSantis.

  2. If you are pro-life please do your own research on how the antibodies are grown in the lab (human fetal tissue and chimera human mouse tissue). Doctors either omit that information or don’t know when telling you about the treatment

  3. JojoMittens, thanks. I figured there was a catch. The truly evil thing is that there is probably no need to use fetal tissue. They just need an excuse to continue “harvesting” it. And life comes cheap at abortion mills.

  4. I said a long time ago that the the JAB was the source of the Delta variant. Death, mayhem, and control, is their goal.
    Natural immunity is still the best. If you haven’t done it, stock up on some hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.

  5. I have been sick with the WuFlu since last Friday (8/20/2021).
    I got it from my son who lives with us and he was exposed and got a bad case.
    He got better but it hit him hard.
    My case has been way less severe, but I do feel and am sick.
    I was in constant contact with my Dr’s office and team and my Dr. advised this monoclonal-antibodies treatment.
    I had to go to the ER to get it.
    The ER Dr. gave me some reading material stating this was another EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) treatment.

    I was and am skeptical of such treatments, however I have a very good friend who is a Dr. but lives in another state so I called him while I was at the ER. I have know my friend for over 40 years so I trust his opinion.
    His advice was for me to take the treatment. He has reviewed thousands of Covid cases due to his work and based his opinion on the numbers he sees.

    The point of the treatment is for mild cases such as mine to keep from getting worse. Having the illness and allowing it to get worse seems to be a worst case scenario.

    I went ahead with the treatment.
    The next day was my worst day yet – I felt horrible. However since that day (2 days ago) I have been feeling better. I can tell I am still a bit sick but it seems to be in decline.

    Apologies for the long post but this is a real world account of my situation.
    I will say I am still not a fan of experimental treatments, certainly I would not have taken it if I knew it was developed with murdered baby stem cell research but what’s done is done.

    To uphold liberty I do believe individuals should be allowed to make their own medical decisions – to do less is brutal tyranny.


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