House GOP Introduce Articles of Impeachment for Blinken – IOTW Report

House GOP Introduce Articles of Impeachment for Blinken

Hannity: Republicans in the House of Representatives introduced Articles of Impeachment against Secretary of State Antony Blinken over his role in the botched withdrawal of American forces from Afghanistan.

“Secretary Blinken has failed to faithfully uphold his oath and has instead presided over a reckless abandonment of our nation’s interests, security, and values in his role in the withdrawal of American forces and diplomatic assets from Afghanistan,” reads the articles.

“In direct conflict with the intelligence and advice provided by his own diplomats and the intelligence community, Secretary Blinken failed to advise and counsel the President accordingly and did not inform the Congress nor American citizens at home and abroad of the dangers,” add the articles.. more

12 Comments on House GOP Introduce Articles of Impeachment for Blinken

  1. Trump would have been impeached 15 times already by the Dem(on)s, but by all means go after Blinken.
    Grow a pair and go after the architects of this debacle. Chop off the serpent’s head!

  2. They attempted to impeach Trump for any and everything so why not just make it a pattern with every democrat that takes the presidents position, until WE get the one the people wanted and elected honestly??

  3. Screw the republicans. If they had acted like true patriots and fought like warriors against the stolen election, we would have a legally elected President Trump in our White House and none of the communist death democrat created shit would be occurring right now.

    Screw the republicans.

  4. “Screw the republicans”

    Well, looks like the other parts of the Plan are working. Yeah, great idea, don’t vote.

    Certainly the government is so corrupt now it is difficult to trust anyone.

    This doesn’t mean one can’t still hold the line by ensuring that the known representatives that are doing their jobs remain in place. If you don’t know your representative it is incumbent upon you to know. Continue to vote for the lesser of two evils. If you stop voting you are useless and part of the problem. If you vote for Independents you are casting a minority vote and again you are a part of the problem.

    These “Screw the republicans” posts are beginning to look as suspicious as all the nihilistic “secession”, “no hope”, and “rise up” posts I’ve been seeing.


  5. Cowards won’t go after Biden.
    Most of them wouldn’t stop the steal so as far as I’m concerned they’re as much to blame as anyone for the messes going on. Not only in Afghanistan. Inflation, communist style lockdowns and dictates. All of it.

  6. Afghanistan isn’t “botched.” It’s all according to plan. Give Chyna all our latest weapons tech, reduce the population of “the planet” and import hundreds of thousands of future democrat voters and potential allaackbar mall shooters.

  7. Truckbuddy – I am a registered republican trying to take back our party from the current crop of stealth democrats masquerading as republicans and I vote in every single election. I email my Senators and House Representatives on a regular basis to try and make them fulfill their oaths to Protect and Defend the Constitution. What are you doing to try and take back our country from the communist death democrats?

    I’ll say it again a little more clearly Screw the Phony Traitorous Republicans who make fake meaningless gestures like these articles of impeachment. Why aren’t they introducing Articles against the phony Biden instead of the illegal secretary of state?

  8. Junius

    I have written all of my representatives and talk often with one that is really dedicated. I have also repeatedly written the “other side” demanding action. I also call out assholes that subvert Conservative American values, too. I’m not afraid of anyone.

    Thanks for the edit. Totally agree with the clarification.


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