Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller Responds – IOTW Report

Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller Responds

Stuart Scheller Responds to well-wishers via his Facebook account:

18 Comments on Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller Responds

  1. sadly, questioning the CIC is taboo, even if it’s the truth. Col. Scheller said in his statement he would probably get hit for this and he did.

    Then again, this is what a real Marine does. Stand up for his country and defend his men. He is absolutely correct in calling out this rat ass administration as to their ineptness and in turn the killings of our people.

    Unfortunately, it cost him his career, but certainly not his honor! Kudos Col. Scheller

  2. “sadly, questioning the CIC is taboo, even if it’s the truth. Col. Scheller said in his statement he would probably get hit for this and he did.”

    What got him screwed wasn’t remarks about the CiC. It was about the Generals and the Joint Chiefs. Those are the ones that know better, but didn’t even make it difficult for the civilian oversight to screw the pooch.

    Civilian oversight of our military is a good, vital thing. Civilian direction of in-theater operational matters is always a disaster. They don’t know how the moving parts work, have no idea of the inherent ‘inertia’ of disparate units, know jack shit about logistics… I could go on.

    And the Generals didn’t form up and make their case.

  3. There are still Americans in leadership positions in what’s left of this country; they will lead us as we re-establish the Republic.

    All that’s left is for everybody to choose a side; America …or United States.

  4. Everyone above the rank of 0-6 goes, period.

    A board comprised of combat veteran senior NCOs and field grade officers is then convened to develop criteria to serve as a senior military leader. They then evaluate a pool of eligible senior officers to serve in the general/flag officer positions, the total of which have been reduced by 50%. Additionally, all retired military are prevented from working in executive or board positions of any US corporations who provide materials or services to the US government.

    The OER system is revised to reflect the true performance of the officer. Those not performing will be removed.

    Finally, the Chairman of the JCS must also comply with the military height-weight standards as this one clearly doesn’t.

  5. Part 2

    1.Only those who are assigned to the 75th Regiment go to Ranger school. 2.Only those assigned to a unit on jump status go to airborne school.
    3 We do away with all the “I been there” ribbons and awards.
    4.No wearing of foreign military decorations.

    Time to start looking less like General Borat and a little more like Ike of George Marshall.

  6. “The OER system is revised to reflect the true performance of the officer.”

    OER’s haven’t reflected any version of reality since before I was active duty. And that was a long time ago.

    Most EER’s for the non-slackers suffered aspects of the same syndrome, at least if your officers wanted to see you promoted.

  7. The way you update OERs is have consequences for the GOs career when they top block their superstars and 2-3 years later that superstar is removed from command. Clearly the GO has bad judgement.

    The whole career path needs to change. We need a technical track and a leadership track starting after 5 years. Careers are 25 years not 20. Extend timeline between promotions.

    Also reduce the size of the Active Army by half but just move them to reserves. Force structure change and refocus garrison missions. So many GOs that have limited role and are driven to make a name for themself so they expand their “mission”. That is mission creep. Prioritize people development and war fighting

  8. Well done! At last a military person who understands that they are citizens first and military members second. Your duty is to the nation first, and military leaders second. I get the military indoctrination to the contrary, but when the military leadership has been corrupted to the point where American lives are lost to incompetence, avarice, and greed, then it is time for the those in the military who understand what service means to stand up and remember their oath “..all enemies, foreign, AND domestic”. And remember “”War is when your Government tells you who the enemy is. Revolution is when you figure it out for yourself”. Many will stand with you.

    One more point. Leadership above that Lt Col. failed. If he had no confidence that his leadership would listen to him and take action the his leaders had failed. No unit integrity. But they are too arrogant to even consider that point never mind admit it. The shocking thing is that many in the rank and file are denouncing him for calling out corrupt and incompetent leaders. Talk about brainwashing. Respect is earned NOT given or demanded. Think about it.

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