Supporters rally to reinstate Marine officer fired for viral video rebuking brass on Afghanistan – IOTW Report

Supporters rally to reinstate Marine officer fired for viral video rebuking brass on Afghanistan

Just The News: Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller demanded answers from senior military leaders, including Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley.

The veterans’ community has rallied around a Marine Corps lieutenant colonel who was relieved of command after posting to social media a rebuke of senior officers for how they handled Afghanistan.

Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller on Thursday posted a video he recorded in the aftermath of the deadly Kabul airport bombing that killed 11 Marines, one Army Green Beret, and one Navy corpsman, along with scores of Afghans. In the video, Scheller wore his  service uniform while issuing an extraordinary public challenge to his chain of command. Scheller calmly addressed the camera in what became a viral video that got him booted out of the Marine Corps on Friday. 

While some veterans remarked privately that Scheller had set a bad example to younger service members, others hailed him as a courageous leader who had the courage to speak up.

Supporters quickly organized a grass roots campaign to reinstate Scheller. One man whose social media account identifies him as retired from Marine Force Recon, a special operations unit, asked people to take action on Scheller’s behalf, asking that he be reinstated. more

10 Comments on Supporters rally to reinstate Marine officer fired for viral video rebuking brass on Afghanistan

  1. Force Recon was SEALS before there were SEALS.

    But, I think these guys are looking for their “15 minutes”! Military has clearly been WOKE for 19 years! He clearly IS NOT WOKE! Pentagon wants Woke folk, and only woke folk, in uniform! If these are really vets they know that; unless they are morons like Jeb and Jo!

  2. He knew what he was doing and knew what the consequences would be—-even stated it in the video. In his follow-up statement when he announced he’d been relieved, he not only stated that he agreed with the decision, he would have done the same. In fact, as a battalion commander I can promise you that he himself has had to bust many a subordinate before. So, while I have utmost respect and admiration for him and totally agree with what he said, I doubt he expects or wants to be reinstated.

    I was fortunate to have had one, and only one, CO in my time in the USMC of his caliber. They don’t come along often.

    He’s still a young man of very obvious intelligence and character. I’m confident he’ll do well.

    Semper Fi, Colonel.

  3. Meanwhile that worthless cunt Vindman who engaged in the ultimate violation of the chain of command got rewarded for being the worthless fucking cunt he is. Fuck the DoD. Fuck the NatSec “community”. Those cunts don’t give a rat fuck about this country nor any citizen in it. Not one fucking bit.

  4. @The Mule

    I wholeheartedly concur with every word. If it makes you feel any better, nobody gives a damn about his stinking book. If there is a silver lining to Kabulingrad, it’s that it happened just as that toad started hawking his turd tome.

    His fifteen minutes were up two years ago, and he’s the last one to know. I hope he becomes defense minister for Ukraine and dies in a coup.

  5. “Meanwhile that worthless cunt Vindman”

    He’s a freaken popcorn fart and him and his type have brought the military to where it currently is. Seems to me there’s a bunch of high ranked ass hole claiming to be Rangers. As I understand it, if you attend Ranger School 101 you get a patch. But being a Ranger is much more tan that. If someone understands this shit I’d like hearing about it. I think we have at least 1 Ranger that comments here.

  6. I hope he considers entering politics. God knows we need real leadership now. He exemplifies the strength, knowledge and HONESTY we are lacking on both sides of the aisle.


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