Governor Hair-do does panicked photo-ops with Homeless – IOTW Report

Governor Hair-do does panicked photo-ops with Homeless

Hangs out with the homeless and lies about California’s surplus.

12 Comments on Governor Hair-do does panicked photo-ops with Homeless

  1. Nice try. I noticed 2 things:
    Homeless person said the gov was the law (chortle)
    Apparently while and after helping clean, his shirt was still clean, except for the pit sweat.

  2. I’m sure California will be delivering ballots by the truckload to freeway overpasses, parks, sidewalks, and other assorted homeless camps so these fine citizens can vote. And don’t forget the ballot harvesting (probably by state employees).

  3. Republicans in California have been ballots harvesting and the Democrats are pissed.
    It’s so bad for Newsom out here that, the lovely Mrs. All Too Much gave me her ballot to vote for the recall.
    If she’s changed that much, and it’s a huge change of mind, so have her liberal friends, and she has tons. In Sacramento where we live, you are surrounded by Dems, and worse.

    So, it might mean nothing, but I’m reading it as a sign Newsom’s toast.

    As to the “print your ballot at home” rule, nothing says Dems are the only ones able to do that.
    Ballot harvesting is legal, and Republicans are using it.
    Printing ballots is also legal, and not everyone has the integrity to not take advantage of it.

  4. @Veedon Fleece, He is imagining he has fleas and lice crawling on him and can’t wait to get away from the unwashed masses and have his clothes burned

  5. This Dipshit only “cares” when he thinks his place at the feeding trough is on the line!
    California has been devolving into a certified Shithole for decades thanks to disingenuous democRAT Pieces Of Shit like Newsom who only know how to create one crisis after another and then blame others for them!!


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