Trudeau forced to cancel campaign event because of anti-Vaccine protesters – IOTW Report

Trudeau forced to cancel campaign event because of anti-Vaccine protesters

CFP: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau held a press conference on Friday in Mississauga, Ontario, where he announced that his party, if re-elected, would create a $1 billion COVID-19 “proof-of vaccination” fund, which would provide funding to provinces that move forward with vaccine passports.

In a statement, the Liberals said that a re-elected Liberal government will:

Introduce a “COVID-19 Proof of Vaccination Fund” that will be available to support provinces and territories who implement a requirement for proof-of-vaccine credentials in their jurisdiction for non-essential businesses and public spaces;

Continue to procure enough vaccines to ensure all Canadians have access to free COVID-19 booster shots and second-generation vaccines as needed, across all provinces and territories; more

13 Comments on Trudeau forced to cancel campaign event because of anti-Vaccine protesters

  1. Good to see this in Ontario.Ontario’s is to Canada what California would be to Presidential elections if the Electoral College were eliminated.

    All of the government supported ad agencies for the Liberal Party, mistakenly referred to as news outlets, say the protesters are anti-vaxxers. While I am sure that is a big part of it, people are tired of Fidel Jr. for lots of reasons. The use of COVID to put restrictions on small business and the practice of religion is a big motivator.

    BC has announced that in mid-September, people will not be able to do much of anything unless they can prove they have been vaccinated. There is a big FB group of people who are not going to go along with any of that. Businesses are able to post in the group. They are warned about things not to say so as to avoid being censored. Mrs. RMM and I had lunch on Friday at a small place that posted. Nice place, we plan on going back fairly often. Mrs. RMM thanked the owner for her stand.

  2. On my way to my mountain bike trails, for over a year, I drive past a dedicated group of people that every weekend have been protesting Turdeau in the centre of Bolton.

    Many people have boycotted the bakery where fuck boy spoke.

    I have the F*ck Trudeau sticker on my service van and have been getting people pulling up beside me honking & thumbs up.

    Let’s hope we can get rid of the Cock Smoker!

  3. The cock smokers polling has gone down lately. People do not seem afraid to harass him any more, the same way the socialists harass conservatives.

  4. Shame they didn’t tar and feather him.
    Then ride him out of town on a rail.
    Then draw and quarter him.
    And then piss on his parts.

    “… those who are plainly evil, who are clearly traitors, or who aim at tyranny are thought by all mankind to be worthy of death.”
    (dead white guy, 366 BC)

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Many more protests today. Now they’re yelling “lock him up” LOL. He didn’t even get off his bus at one of the scheduled stops. Wimpey soy boy. Hope with all my heart that this is the end of Trudope and his “Sunny waze.”

  6. Apparently another speaking event was cancelled in Kitchener/Waterloo for 5pm. That’s what CP24 news is saying.

    Now it’s all up to DOMINION & SELFISH TORONTO to Re-Elect the little racist piece of human FRENCH CRAPO.

  7. Confirmed.
    The little Bastard’s rally is still delayed in Cambridge which is just before the Archery shop/taxidermy/farmland are where I get my Archery equipment.

    My brothers Gun club is just north of Bolton yesterday. It looks like Rural/Farming/Sporting folks are finding quite a bit of time let Fuck Boy know how they feel. I guess that is the benefit of stores & restaurants being limited to 20% capacity!

  8. I just read Xinada is purchasing enough Vaccine to give each Person 8 Boosters.

    The Comments were hilarious….I’ve never heard a Canadian called a

    “Snow Mexican” before…


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