Kabul: US Embassy Alert Page Goes Offline For Hours; Gives “404 Error” – IOTW Report

Kabul: US Embassy Alert Page Goes Offline For Hours; Gives “404 Error”

GP: At a time when US forces scramble to wind down evacuation efforts in Afghanistan, one of the most crucial resources that stranded American citizens have relied on to guide them safely to their evacuation flights was unavailable for several hours.

The US Embassy in Kabul operates an ‘alert page‘ that provides status updates about the evacuation efforts and also details ways for those who are trapped behind enemy lines to reach the airport. On Saturday morning, visitors to the page were met by a “404 Error – Page Not Found.” 

“We are sorry but the page you are looking for does not exist. You can go to the homepage or browse some of our recent posts below.” MORE

5 Comments on Kabul: US Embassy Alert Page Goes Offline For Hours; Gives “404 Error”

  1. I’m waiting for slojoe to pause and then say “404 error” during one of his speeches or press conferences.
    Imagine being desperate trying to escape that hellhole and see this on your screen ?
    Bidepends and all of his bastard handlers deserve to be dropped into the middle of that shithole.

  2. OT….I was just watching Biden, Dr. Jill, the rest of the ignorant leaders and followers try to pay respect to the 13 dead soldiers who died because of this administrations utter failure….I now know that my rage has no bottom….FUCK this administration and the media that tries to give them credibility….They are absolute evil….


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