President Trump Tells Behind-the-Scenes Story of Gold Star Mothers ‘Screaming’ as They See Their Children’s Caskets Return Home – IOTW Report

President Trump Tells Behind-the-Scenes Story of Gold Star Mothers ‘Screaming’ as They See Their Children’s Caskets Return Home

Becker News:

All eyes in America are fixed on Dover Air Force Base, where 13 U.S. service members are expected to receive a dignified transfer on Sunday. Mourning families of the fallen, as well as the president and first lady, are scheduled to meet them.

This year, former President Donald Trump spoke on the heartbreaking affair that takes place behind the scenes and away from the cameras when the military caskets arrive. He told the gutwrenching story at the North Carolina GOP state convention in June. Watch:

5 Comments on President Trump Tells Behind-the-Scenes Story of Gold Star Mothers ‘Screaming’ as They See Their Children’s Caskets Return Home

  1. I would wish that a few, if not all of those mothers, had a mild sinus problem that day so they could SPIT in that demented ASSHOLES face with more than just saliva.

  2. Two things:

    I watched president Trump speaking of his experience at Dover when he said it. It was gut wrenching. I don’t wish to watch it again.

    I suspect the parents of our recently fallen did NOT suffer this Traitor-in-Chief kindly.

    That I would like to see. I won’t.

  3. Best President ever in my lifetime.

    I still waver on him running in 2024 but when I see things like this, I have a gut feeling he won’t make the same mistakes again.

  4. The next time “they” vote for one of these nation building regional wars…..

    “They” need to be tasked on a rotating basis to greet every one of the fallen as our men are brought home….or “they” can volunteer one of their children to serve in a combat unit.

  5. I watched this a few days ago on Y-Tube.

    Trump really has a YUGE HEART.

    The man grew up ferociously wealthy but has real empathy.
    I know he does not drink but God wouldn’t you like to have a beer with the man.


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