Has there ever been a President as cold-hearted as Joe Biden? – IOTW Report

Has there ever been a President as cold-hearted as Joe Biden?

h/t NAAC

American Thinker:

By Patricia McCarthy

No. There never has. No previous president in US history has been as willing to sacrifice America, American lives, and American power and standing in the world solely for political purposes. Are his traitorous actions purely political? Perhaps his motives are personal as well.

Biden has been selling his soul for money for decades; to China, to Ukraine, to Pakistan. How else can he explain his massive wealth and multiple mansions on a salary of $174k? He cannot. See Peter 

Schweitzer’s book Profiles in Corruption. Chapter 3 is about Joe Biden:

“The Biden family partners are often foreign governments, where the deals occur in the dark corners of international finance like Kazakhstan, China, Costa Rica, Jamaica, Ukraine and Russia. Some have even involved taxpayer money.”

And later in chapter 3:

“The Biden family’s apparent self-enrichment depends on Joe Biden’s political influence and involves no less than five family members: Joe’s son Hunter, daughter Ashley, brothers James and Frank and sister Valerie.”

Read Schweitzer’s book. For the Bidens, as Ilhan Omar is fond of saying, it was always and only about the Benjamins.

In just seven months Biden has created seven disasters. Every sentient American surely knows by now about Biden’s plagiarism, his pathological lying about everything from his law school record to his fabricated exploits around the world. Everyone surely knows by now of Hunter Biden’s depravity, all of which China has proof of (as did the FBI in December of 2019). MORE

32 Comments on Has there ever been a President as cold-hearted as Joe Biden?

  1. I’ve always believed that the demo-rats would stand upon a 500 foot high pile of dead American bodies, to shout out loud, how much they care about us.

    Tell me, I’m wrong.

  2. Not to excuse him, but he’s a sick man:

    The most common signs and symptoms of frontotemporal dementia involve extreme changes in behavior and personality. These include: Increasingly inappropriate actions. >>>>>>>>>Loss of empathy and other interpersonal skills<<<<<<<<<


    …but the really sick, evil bastards are the ones who engineered this shit. Joe may be getting what’s coming to him, but they’ll walk away scot-free.

  3. I just spent 5 minutes on a post explaining some shit the Sf guys are pointing out. Hit post and got, your posting to fast. Lost it, I’m not doing it again. I guess one of these day I’ll learn to copy and paste.

  4. Jethro

    I want to see him old, screaming racial obscenities in an old age home with his own shitted diapers smeared from his ball sack to the back of his neck!

    …and Dr. J. wearing her ambition for the White House like a hat.


  5. @ Thirdtwin AUGUST 29, 2021 AT 9:18 PM

    Spare me. The son of a bitch hasn’t changed one damn bit since he came on the public scene and I remember watching him on the Sunday shows back when they were watchable. The difference is others are now recognizing him for what he is, ind what he is is what he has always been. The senile old fuck is not able to hide it from people who are not paying attention now. As he said, the buck stops with him now that he has been installed in the White House. He has only the options of admitting he is not making the decisions or he has to own his clusterfuckery now.

  6. BTW, he is not making the decisions, he is a puppet. But he has to maintain the illusion that he is in charge. The entire three ring cluster fuck that makes up the illegitimate malAdministration doesn’t have a lick of common sense, not to mention there isn’t a positive character trait among them.

  7. Seven disasters and whoever’s running the show in the White House is just getting started.

    Sometimes it is frightening to know whether this country will survive or not.

    Our faith in God is the only way out of this mess. 🙏

  8. Could any one man bring the morale and spirit of the USA to a lower point in such a short period of time?

    I seriously doubt that it’s possible.

    It’s quite phenomenal.

  9. @Cliff Graham — I agree. But what puts an extra edge of evil on Biden and his handlers is we can all see exactly what a disaster he is in real time and on camera. And I don’t know but Wilson wasn’t fondling children. That is the most evil of all evils.

  10. “Has there ever been a President as cold-hearted as Joe Biden?”

    Well, Obutthole has never shown to have a heart at all…..

    Although, liberals in general are completely heartless, that leaves more room for their greed and hate to expand.

  11. He’s an elitist communist democrat, it all boils down to wanting the power of control over other’s lives, no matter what the cost. Hitler, Stalin, and Mao were no different.

  12. He ain’t President – he’s a vote-fraud, Usurping Piece of Shit.
    So that must be a trick question.

    President Trump won that election – and just about everybody knows it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  13. If there is a terror attack caused by a foreign entity (and the chances are good) his skinny ass and all his minions better be removed one way or the other.

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