Hurricane Ida lashes Louisiana with 150 mph winds, darkens all of New Orleans – IOTW Report

Hurricane Ida lashes Louisiana with 150 mph winds, darkens all of New Orleans

JTN: Hurricane Ida mercilessly lashed the Louisiana coast Sunday with Category 4 winds in excess of 150 miles per hour, leaving all of New Orleans without power 16 years to the day that Katrina devastated the region.

City officials were watching closely the levee system around New Orleans, which was reinforced after the deadly hurricane in 2005 but was straining under enormous storm surge and heavy rains.

Ida’s 150-mph winds tied it for the fifth-strongest hurricane to ever hit America’s mainland. By Sunday evening it had dropped to a Category 3 storm with maximum winds of 115 mph as it marched inland.

The National Hurricane Center said “to expect ‘extremely life-threatening’ storm surge inundation imminently within the area between Burns Point, Louisiana, to Ocean Springs, Mississippi.” more

23 Comments on Hurricane Ida lashes Louisiana with 150 mph winds, darkens all of New Orleans

  1. They learned nothing from Hurricane Betsy, nothing from Camille, nothing from Katrina, nothing from ANY hurricane going back to 1812! THAT one destroyed the entire area and the French consul wrote that not even the oldest person in their settlement had seen anything like it. It’s moronic! Only since the industrial revolution has this idea of never letting a city die taken hold. The best thing you could do for New Orleans is to let the hurricane have it’s fun. Then bulldoze the whole place and turn it into a nice wildlife sanctuary.

  2. I wonder what the Winds were at Ground Level? The last few H-canes They’ve

    been measuring Winds Aloft (10,000 ft) which makes it more dramatic.

    All of the Government Agencies are lyiing sh*tbags.

  3. Maybe it was exaggerated but I recall reading that N.O. is constructed inside of a below-sea level depression that’s basically a foundation of mud. Given it’s hurricane-prone location, seems to be the worst possible place.

  4. I was down there after Katrina. That place was a complete mess. Never saw such helpless people in my life, either. Entirely figuring someone else would take care of it. Don’t have any reason, especially in Democrat Amerika, to believe its gotten any better. I hope for their sake I am wrong about this, because the Pedo administration is well aware that they will vote Democrat dead or alive, so will take little interest in their welfare and the media will not report it when they don’t, except perhaps in passing, to blame Trump or White Supremacy or both as suits their plans, and to remind everyone that they can’t get treatment unless they are masked and “vaxxed”.

    I’m much too far inland to have been directly struck by hurricanes, but I do get struck by them eventually, in a much diminshed form. The storm track from the Gulf Coast goes through the Ohio Valley before it turns east, and i will get remnants of Ida.

    Even these can be signifcant. I remember when Hurricane Andrew came through my little patch. He was only a tropical depression at that point, but 800 miles from NOLA that was still a pretty impressive achievement. Even in its MUCH weakened state it was inspiring tornados, toppling trees, taking out power and roofs, and generally flooding the crap out of everything in its path. I can’t imagine what this thing was like when it was 5 catagories higher if it still had a punch like that.

    I was called out for what proved to be a busy night when he arrived. One of the highlights was a lightning strike on a house on a hill, which had taken some damage and had a smell of smoke. Being the roof rat, it was my job to go up and look at the damage from above, maybe spray some water on it if the situation merited (which it didn’t as God had already sprayed COPIOUS amounts of water on it and still was, but we had to check anyway), and also if it wasn’t then to put a tarp over it to shut off the flow of Godwater into the guy’s Barcalounger below.

    Bear in mind that I’m standing on the highest point in the city, with extremely active storms over us and all around, in a place where I KNOW lightning could strike becasue if it HADN’T, I would have no reason to BE there.

    …so of COURSE me and my mates grab a giant steel ladder, raise it up past the roofline next to the place THAT LIGHTNING ALREADY STRUCK ONCE,, then I go UP the ladder in my STEEL HELMENT to position myself OVER the place where the lightning struck in order to do my job.

    they say God protects fools and small children. Don’t know about the “small children” part, but this is just ONE of the MANY examples of times that he protected THIS fool from the dumb things he did, even when I didn’t know Him, as the lightning chose to go strike things that WEREN’T me in other places for us to deal with later…but with NO fires, NO deaths, and NO serious injuries (other than the Barcalounger…THAT thing was pretty distressed).

    I say that to say this. As the Lord once protected a fool from the storm in the service of others, may the Lord hold His mighty hand over those who go forth today with the dawn to deal with the far more severe consequences of this major storm. May He protect them from any hurt, harm, or danger, may He give them ears to hear the cries of the trapped, may He lead them swiftly and surely to those in great need and give them strenth and wisdom to rescue those that they can, and the mercy of forgetfullness when they find those they can’t. Please Lord protect those in the storm’s path as it coninues its destruction, give them shelter from the storm and healing if they are injured, and give those who fear for family in the storm that they are in no true danger as, come what may, they will live forever with You and all will be reunited one glad day. It is much to ask and we are not worthy, but we ask it of You who are mighier than all on the name of the only thing that makes us worthy to approach you, we ask in the precious Blood of your Son Jesus, Amen.

    God Bless,

  5. Grool: I’ve wondered the same. Whoever said “Let’s build a large city below sea level in a hurricane region and we’ll keep the water out with dikes and dams and pumps that could fail at any time” was a pure dumbass.

  6. Katrina drove many NOLA residents into my area for shelter and temporary aid. Many of them never left. Many were the worst of the worst. They behaved like feral animals everywhere they went. Even the black residents from here were afraid of them. It was mainly the tattooed females that were the problem. They and their children had no idea how to act in a civilized society. They acted like starving, abused dogs. When they were expected to try and do something for themselves, that concept simply didn’t register with them. Six months after Katrina, the ones who stayed here in Texas were told they had to apply for Texas drivers licenses. I brought my Russian wife to the DPS office to take her written test when a busload of NOLA residents were escorted in to take theirs. They had handlers telling them what to do like they were kindergarteners. They were so disruptive and loud that state troopers had to threaten to remove them from the building if they didn’t behave better. During the testing, they were all cheating and had to be told they couldn’t do that. They seemed confused by that. Meanwhile, my wife who barely spoke English was busy translating the questions from English into Russian so she could answer them. She made 95 on the test and we were told by one of the staff there that none of the NOLA residents had passed, even after cheating. Crime went rampant from the time they arrived. I was praying that the levee system held this time so that more of the NOLA rats would come over here. After Katrina, I met several non-African American families who had fled the destruction. They said that they had decided to never go back to NOLA no matter what it took because they got a taste of what normal looked like. They had been desensitized to the societal chaos of NOLA and had forgotten life didn’t have to be that way. One man was with his three adult sons and their families and they all decided to resettle in Texas after they sold out near NOLA.

  7. Wild Bill
    AUGUST 30, 2021 AT 6:24 AM
    “Has NOLA PD emptied out a Cadillac dealership yet?”

    …a T-Shirt I could have got after Katrina but didn’t, to my regret, was blue with the NOPD logo and said…

    N ot
    O ur
    P roblem
    D awg

    …I DID get a “Willie Nagin And The Chocolate Factory” one to commemorate his incredibly racist statement, and I can wear that one anywhere because no one gets it…


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