Kabul Airport Comes Under Rocket Attack – IOTW Report

Kabul Airport Comes Under Rocket Attack

FrontPageMag: About the only good news is that the Biden administration didn’t force the military to outsource rocket defenses to the Taliban the way that it did checkpoints and security so that the rockets were intercepted.

The bad news is that this was likely a trial run. 

2 Comments on Kabul Airport Comes Under Rocket Attack

  1. Rockets?
    Who has rockets?
    Like a popsicle?
    With the blue on the bottom & white & red at the top.
    I want one that is red white and blue. BLUE. Blue like me.
    Bomb Pops, I think they’re were called.
    With the white in the middle. Course, We didn’t know what that flavor was. you got the cherry first and BLUE was last. Cause it was at the bottom.
    And after swimmin, me and Corn Pop would have a pop sicle, cause we became friends. Not good friends cause he was a roach, but friendlier after the razer and chain thing.
    So sometimes we would have a Bomb pop, or an iced creeeam.
    Ice cream.
    Hey, anyone want a chocolate chip?

    Jill? Where’s Jill?

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