The Thirteen-Hundred-And-Eighty-Nine-Year War – IOTW Report

The Thirteen-Hundred-And-Eighty-Nine-Year War

H/T Bill


By M. E. Boyd

During an interview regarding the recent suicide attack on Kabul airport, a former Navy SEAL quipped that no one making military decisions for the United States seems to have read a history book. Lack of knowledge, he implied, is partly why America is suffering a humiliating and unconscionable defeat in Afghanistan.

Here, then, is a short skeletal history of Muslim-Christian relations beginning with Islam’s founding in 622 AD by Muhammad, an Arab military leader intent on unifying the Arab world and conquering the rest. The lessons learned might put us on the right path forward.

Muhammad died in 632 and, soon thereafter, his followers began Muslim military advances into the Christian Levant. In your mind’s eye, if you can picture the Mediterranean Sea on your left, the landmass to its right – Syria, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, and part of Turkey—is known as the Levant, which means the place where the sun rises. A great trading center in ancient and medieval times, conquering the Levant was the Muslims’ first great conquest over the Christian Greeks at the Battle of Yarmuk, in 636, only four years after Muhammad’s death. Jerusalem surrendered in 638.

Islam pushed on vigorously after this battle, sweeping over North Africa, uniting Arab countries, and setting its sights on conquering Constantinople, the Greek capital. Today, Constantinople is known as Istanbul and is part of Turkey. In 717, however, at what is known as the Siege of Constantinople, 80,000 Muslim troops and 1,880 galleys laid siege to the city. Possessing the equivalent of napalm, a fire that is very difficult to put out, the Greeks set fire to the galleys and after a year of siege and attack without success, Muslim forces retreated. more here

11 Comments on The Thirteen-Hundred-And-Eighty-Nine-Year War

  1. The soldier is obviously 100% correct from his perspective.

    From the perspective of the Military Industrial Complex the war was a success. Look at the stock prices of the big defence contractors.

    Personally, I believe in supplying arms to both sides & letting them thin their own numbers which is likely to happen now. Trump knew it, Biden stole it (and the election) but totally fucked up the withdrawl (just like the night he conceived Hunter).

    The world should try to get ChYnA to have a civil war on its mainland while protecting Taiwan. Fuck em all!

    I realize this is a sick & immoral concept but I would rather they all kill each other.

    You boys had your War of Independence & Civil War and ended up much better for it. The west ultimately CAN NOT stop all the SHIT-HOLE-ISTANS from killing themselves. MEXICO INCLUDED.

    Leave them all down there to sort out what they want to be in 20 years & deal with the victors.

  2. Christians won their victory at the Gates of Vienna on September 11, 1683! Who has seen What the West Needs to Know? It’s been around at least a decade or so if it hasn’t been scrubbed yet!

  3. Title clearly is a mistake!
    Just 3 weeks after the Muslim attack of 911; President gave a speech. He said that Muslims were provoked by white nationalist Christians! All the world knows, “Islam is the Religion of Peace.”! He has manh degrees from Ivy league CollegeS!

    Boyd is implying’ either:
    1. GWB lies


    2. Ivy League degrees are not worth the paper they are on

  4. The Arab conquest of the Levant was facilitated by the prolonged struggle between the Byzantine Empire and the Sassanid Empire. That war was also responsible for the loss of the Sassanid Empire (principally in Iran) to the Arabs. The loss of Spain was due to infighting between the Christian kingdoms of the Iberian peninsula. That same infighting delayed the reconquista for many hundreds of years.

    Similar infighting was responsible for the loss of Anatolia and the Caucuses, and eventually Constantinople, 700 years later. The drive to the gates of Vienna was also a result of Christian infighting.

    At no point was Christian Africa, Asia and Europe conquered because of the might of Islam. It was all self-inflicted — a mexican firing squad.

    The Ottoman Empire only made it as far as 1924 because they had been used as a tool in the constant intrigue of European politics for it’s last two hundred years.

    No lessons have been learned here. We are again setting up for yet another cycle of Muslim conquest, and for similar reasons. The ends justify the means. Western leaders (I’ll add China to that list) continue to think they are using Muslims and Muslims continue to take advantage. Why not. It has been working for nearly 1400 years.

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