Fixing America’s Pathetic Education System – IOTW Report

Fixing America’s Pathetic Education System

WeThePeopleSpeaking: BOTTOM LINE: “Education is the wellspring from which a nation ascends … or the quagmire into which it sinks.Education is everything.”  Michael Russell

INTENT:  My intent here is to make two points.  One, what is the magnitude of the problem and secondly how do we fix it? 

HOW BIG IS THE PROBLEM? Huge. Education is perhaps this nation’s greatest disgrace.  Yet every four years we go through the same song-and-dance.  Candidates promise to spend more billions of dollars, resulting in more top-down regulation which then requires a bigger inefficient and ineffective Department of Education bureaucracy.  This is a decades-old formula for failure as we spend more dollars per student and watch our world rating in education continue to decline.

WHERE ARE WE TODAY?  Education has been headline-news over the past 18 months.  The pandemic shut down schools and 60 million kids and 180 million adults with children under age 18 had to learn, or not, to endure remote classrooms.  More recently the national debate has been about including critical race theory as a foundational piece of every school’s curriculum and about masks and vaccinations. But what we do not talk about is the elephant in the room, embarrassing, ridiculous education results. more

h/t Bill.

14 Comments on Fixing America’s Pathetic Education System

  1. The sonsabitches have gotten their way for far too long. This Covid nonsense combined w/CRT has lit a fuse that they are going to rue the day. They have found out that there is a lot of pent up hostility on any number of bullshit agenda items they have been quietly implementing. Their arrogance is going to be their undoing.

  2. seems reasonable to eliminate the NEA, but i would add disban teacher unions and eliminate federal/state/local funding of schools. Vouchers may be a fix, but I think making all education private then let parents chose their kids school based on curriculum, prior success, and location. I guess you could have a very basic, non-bells and whistles public funded school. No sports, no extracurricular shit, no buses, just reading, riting and rithmatic.

  3. When you say the educational system is not working, progressives including teachers would disagree, it is working exactly as intended; indoctrination is valued over proficiency. It does not matter what they can do, it only matters how they think.

  4. Too many women running schools.
    Too many parents not paying attention.
    Teachers put on a pedestal they don’t deserve.
    Unions given too much power.
    Dept of Ed bureaucrats like Fauxci.

  5. @Uncle Al O

    How they think prioritizes feelings to an unhealthy degree over facts, how they think triggers feelings over tolerance, cooperation and fairness, how they think limits analysis and self reflection creating only binary choices. So yes, their thinking process (or lack of it, if you like)is putting them in that box, a box created by our current education system.

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