Bill Clinton Spotted Boarding Yacht with Epstein-Linked Billionaires – IOTW Report

Bill Clinton Spotted Boarding Yacht with Epstein-Linked Billionaires

Neon Nettle-

Democrat former President Bill Clinton has been spotted boarding a yacht in the Hamptons with two billionaire brothers who are linked to child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein.

Clinton, who recently turned 75, was seen chatting and boarding a yacht with prominent sugar billionaires Alfonso and Pepe Fanjul in Sag Harbor, New York on Tuesday.

Convicted pedophile Epstein was a longtime friend of the ex-POTUS and both Clinton and Pepe Fanjul were listed in the deceased sex offender’s “little black book” of powerful associates.

The Fanjul brothers own a sugar and real estate empire in Florida.

They are estimated to be worth over $8 billion between them.

Alfonso Fanjul, 84, is a longtime Democratic donor. more

16 Comments on Bill Clinton Spotted Boarding Yacht with Epstein-Linked Billionaires

  1. Slick willie will never learn. he seems to still think that he’s above the law and that it doesn’t apply to impotent (important) chumps like him. He’s like a sick dog returning to its vomit over and over again thinking that because he once was somebody important that it doesn’t matter how he conducts himself. Wrong Slick, dead wrong, karma is catching up to you and it’s about time. How we ever elected this POS for a President I’ll never know, its not like we didn’t know that he was a scumbag in the first place.


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