How The GOP Committed Suicide Trying to Stop Trump – IOTW Report

How The GOP Committed Suicide Trying to Stop Trump

Emerald Robinson: When did the GOP cease to be a functioning party? When was the exact moment that you knew the GOP establishment stands for nothing and stands against nothing?

For many, this became apparent in the awful months immediately after Election Day 2020, of course, when a steady stream of GOP leaders took to the airwaves to let their voters know that “the most secure election in history” had just taken place.

For others, it was the Second Impeachment of Citizen Trump — a symbolic exercise that only served to destroy the political career of Mitch McConnell, and raze his reputation as the bluegrass Machiavelli of our times.

McConnell wanted Trump convicted, that’s for sure. He pushed that sham until it was clear that he didn’t have the votes. The GOP establishment wanted Trump dead and buried to clear the way for Their People in 2024. At the 11th hour, McConnell realized that he didn’t have the votes and so he told his Republican colleagues: he would no longer vote to convict President Trump. The entire pointless exercise had only served to enrage the GOP base. This time there was no ground cover to hide his double-dealing. The Turtle had been caught. This was his show.

Two months earlier, Mitch had told Americans that he would never be bullied into giving them any more stimulus money for COVID — one week after he told Americans that he was prepared to give the rest of the world $700 billion. Why was McConnell unable to provide some fiscal relief for working class Americans? (After all, not everybody was lucky enough to marry the daughter of a Chinese shipping tycoon who happened to leave you between $5million and $25 million as a personal gift.) It seemed suddenly obvious that The Turtle was not actually a political genius. What was he doing? He seemed to be leading a revolt of GOP politicians against their own voters. more here

21 Comments on How The GOP Committed Suicide Trying to Stop Trump

  1. Fucking fucker and all the other fuckers! I fucking hate them. And they keep on sending me requests for donations and surveys about what I’d like them to do. Go fuck yourselves.

    I do actually return the paper stuff with some choice Sharpie words on it but the electronic communications I ignore. Fuckers

  2. I have to disagree with the the Title. The GOP didn’t commit suicide, they committed murder. They killed the Republic for which they stand for.

    They are self-serving despicable scum, who, along with the democrat communists, are willing to destroy this country in order to enrich themselves.

    If it turns out to be suicide, well then hallelujah! It couldn’t happen to a more deserving group of traitors.

  3. What does the GOP stand for?

    It stands for having a select few get first class tickets on the gravy train without having to actually break a sweat. When the GOP gets majorities in both houses, they are expected to find ways to implement what the American people actually want. It is easier for GOP politicians to blow smoke out of their rear ends and promise things they have no intention of delivering.

    It is easier to be in the minority in the House and the Senate. They can huff and puff when questioning witnesses in hearings. The GOP likes to sound tough but say they have no power to do anything. Trey Gowdy gave us lovely sound bites but took no real action even though the Republicans had a majority in the House at the time.

    Promise her anything, but give her Arpège.

  4. McCONnell and McCarthy are weak kneed apologists, ready to bend over when Nancy and Schumer want them to. They must be reading Boehner and Ryan’s play books. “Appeasement for Idiots” and “Who Needs Principles”.

  5. The sad truth is that conservatives need a third party. The sad reality is that a conservative third party will insure democrat communist victories.

    Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place

  6. Received solicitations for money from McConnell, Pence and McCarthy.
    That takes cajones after all the traitorous incidents these bastards have participated in.

    They went right into the shredder. 😁

  7. Our country ceased to exist some time ago. I live in Louisiana and feel that date was 1860. But more to recent times, trying to get something done is impossible. Doctors are yearly threatened with a 30% decrease in income as Medicare has some on going rule that has to be voted on yearly. Of course the politicians can somehow keep this from happening if enough donations come in. Same goes on in one form or another for every aspect of our lives. Enough is enough and Trump was trying to get back a more honest government.

  8. “When was the exact moment that you knew the GOP establishment stands for nothing and stands against nothing?”

    August 18, 1988, with the GOP’s nomination of George Herbert Walker Bush as the party’s candidate for President.

  9. The reality of the uniparty goes back a very long ways; way before 2020.

    I think it became completely obvious when Priebus was head of the RNC and they refused to fund the GOP’s own candidate! Remember that?! How quickly we forget, too, people like Cruz giving that incredibly gut-wrenching speach at the Republican National Convention — the dog whistle to the anti-Trump delegates (and they knew every single one of them because Priebus had been calling them all that summer, trying to guage if they could tip the scale and vote in their own candidate at the convention).

    Our own King County GOP is worse than worthless! They actually work against Trump’s voters and our America First agenda.

    From those times on, I’ve never, ever trusted anyone who pledges allegiance to the GOP. And it’s not just the official GOP. The Federalists (the ones who groom every “conservative” judicial candidate in the country) are wholly responsible for the nominee pool for every judgeship up and down the federal spectrum. It needs to go, too!

    There’s still a lot of hidden that needs to be revealed when it comes to thinking who is America First and who ain’t.

    I hope John McCain is rotting in his grave with no hope of resurrection. But what am I thinking?! He probably voted several times in the ’20 GE!

  10. Lets separate the GOP baby from the dirty RINO bathwater. No, the GOP is not dead.
    RINOs – progressive, leftist establishment operatives have done their best to damage the Republican brand.
    However, the Republican party can thrive and can be effective when true conservatives are in charge.

    Agreed, right now RINOs and Leftist “leadership” have sabotaged the Republican party and rule Congress with an iron fist -it can’t last forever. Too many conservatives see what’s happening in Washington and want their Republican party back.
    Conservatives must not give up, abandon and weaken the only platform we have to stand against socialism/communism.

  11. I believe RINO’S are Democrat plants and nothing more.
    Maybe conservatives should run for offices as Democrats then flip on them during important votes!
    How about some election fraud for the conservatives too while I’m at it.

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