Afghanistan fiasco may have been the result of blackmail – IOTW Report

Afghanistan fiasco may have been the result of blackmail

American Thinker-

By Shari Goodman

Our political pundits are focusing on Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan as a political blunder by the president and our military leaders, but what if the root cause for Biden’s withdrawal is much more ominous and sinister than mere stupidity?  The following questions demand an answer. 

Why would our military commanders willingly give up Bagram, a strategic airport built by the Russians, and why would they willingly leave $85 billion in military hardware behind? 

Why would they leave thousands of Americans stranded behind enemy lines while providing the Taliban a “kill list” of those Americans left behind?  Unlike previous withdrawals, where it is customary upon withdrawal to first evacuate our citizens, and then destroy the equipment and blow up the bases, we did the opposite.  We did not evacuate our citizens.  We did not destroy the equipment.  And we did not blow up the bases.

We have learned that the Biden administration cut off all communication with the anti-Taliban resistance group, the National Front.  Although Ali Nazar, head of foreign relations for the group, has said he “tried to reach out,” there has been no response from the Biden administration.  Glenn Beck recently reported that his mission to rescue Afghan Christians has been blocked by our State Department and the White House, and he fears that they may be burned alive or crucified by the Taliban.

Are we to believe that our military leadership, led by four-star generals, is so naïve and incompetent?  Highly unlikely! more
h/t Joe6pak

34 Comments on Afghanistan fiasco may have been the result of blackmail

  1. Blackmail??? We already have enough evidence to send the whole Biden crime family to prison for several lifetimes, how much more could there be, and if no one has prosecuted them yet, why would anyone think they ever will?

  2. They don’t call him Beijing Beideng for no reason. He is compromised to the hilt.

    Some “experts” want to say that his decisions were a result of arrogance and hubris, but I say they were blackmailed. Prove me wrong.

  3. no doubt in my mind that he was just doing what his instructions told him to do.
    Wait until we get to the ‘rinse and repeat part’
    His ineptness is impressive, but I don’t think he alone is capable of the doing what he has done, so far

  4. I think Biden is using the mumbling, stumbling, stuttering act to inflict his hidden agenda on America. He has always hated his country and is now in a position to destroy it. He’s being quite successful.

  5. @PHenry – “…think Biden is using the mumbling, stumbling, stuttering act to inflict his hidden agenda on America…”

    I love ya man, but I have to disagree. I think his mumbling, stumbling, stuttering is a natural display of his cognitive disability, which his handlers are using to further THEIR agenda.

  6. A simple request. Can I have just one Saturday night where I don’t have to think about all this negative and depressing shit? It’s day after day. It’s wearing me down.

    Am I just a prima Donna or is anyone else exhausted by this never ending barrage of constant bad news? I am done. Until Tuesday.

    We know we’re fucked. But we all need some time away, methinks.

  7. @stirring.

    Maybe. But it’s also a great ruse.

    Now I will fire up the grill and have nice NY Strip, baked potato and salad with some red wine and bud you all a buona Serra. Arrivederci buona notte.

    I am done. Until Tuesday.

    That might be a lie. We’ll see.

  8. Jackass Joe has been compromised since his college days. He’s always been dishonest and slimy. Just look at his business card:
    Communists Hired
    Speeches plagiarized
    Teleprompters read
    Bullgarian spoken
    Recovery Summers available
    Enemies bowed to
    Allies insulted
    Terrorists coddled
    Treasurys looted
    Government agencies weaponized
    The American People lied to
    Fingers pointed
    Trump blamed
    Red Lines drawn
    Insidious Political Activities Hatched
    Political candidates spied on
    Phones tapped
    Email records seized
    ISIS JV Team Sponsor
    Shovel Ready Chicken Manure
    Coke Dealer
    Arms Dealer
    Son Rental
    Records hidden
    Honey Boo Boo union slugs available for hire
    Military fucked
    Veterans fucked
    Americans fucked
    Israel fucked
    Second Banana to Jeramiah Wright´s Jug-Eared, Purple-Lipped “God-Damn-America”-hating, Marxist Muzlim Mallard.

  9. Stupidity *was* a measure if Biden thought he could keep his damning secret – all of America knew about it long before this debacle. So his secret that was already out is out and Americans were left behind anyway.

  10. @PHenry SEPTEMBER 4, 2021 AT 5:37 PM
    I hear you. I can’t take much more of this myself. Thank God for Claudia’s Sunday critter post, and almost all of the posters.
    And thank God for my wife, kids, grandkids, and my great granddaughter.
    I know almost all of us on this site have had it up to -here-. Hang in there, I think and trust we’ll be fine.

    Keep the powder dry….

  11. @F4UCorsair.

    What’s your favorite song?
    Best memory?
    TV show that draw your attention?

    Sorry. It escapism Saturday.

    I don’t want to hear a word about Joe Biden.
    Sorry. I am done.

  12. America is fast becoming (at least most of it’s leadership) the Babylon the Great mentioned in the Bible.

    Our only option is to watch for the introduction, ascension, and gathering of power (helped along by little ET’s) of the Anti-Christ.

  13. PHenry SEPTEMBER 4, 2021 AT 6:11 PM
    All those questions depend. I guess my favorite memory was when I saw my first-born daughter for the first time through the glass window. Holly bejebus, it floored me. And the next two did as well.
    As far as songs/music, I’m very eclectic.
    I also have gotten back into photography, and with my love of dogs, well, I think you can see where I’m going with this.
    How about you?
    Hot weather/ cold weather preference?
    Hunt, fish?
    Mopar, Chevy, Ford?

  14. Yeah, I’m damned tired of the headlines, Biden, betrayal, corruption, treason, Congress, the Media, Big Tech, FBI, DOJ, ATF, CIA, NSA, NHI, Fauci, bloated government, Huge Debt, Antifa, BLM, looting, crime, Afghanistan, China, the EU, UN and the Supreme Court that is everything BUT Supreme, But Biden and his handlers aren’t done yet.
    @F4UCorsair, you’re right America Needs a Break.

  15. @F4U

    Listening to Spencer Davis Group right now.

    Love saltwater fishing. Dropped the boat in favor of kayak. Hunting? I shot a chipmunk as a child with my .22. I have regretted it since then.

    Sounds stupid. I don’t like hunting.

    Used to be a GMC guy until obama took it over. Toyota Tundra is my ride. Over 150k miles. I am getting a bit worried about that.

  16. Some days it’s hard to remember that God is in control.
    Being human, I get so tired from the constant bad news.
    I guess that is partially my fault. I could put down my phone or take a sledgehammer to my computer.
    I think I am going to pull a page from the insufferable lefty’s playbook and take a “mental health day”.

  17. Could you imagine if Trump had a withdraw from Ghanistan like that? It would be over in 10 seconds.
    Any how.
    I put in my 40 this week and then worked some extra hours on Friday and all day Saturday now it’s time to have some fun.
    2 days off! I’m going to work on welding a trailer I’m making. Yeah, more work.


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