Man threatened suicide to coerce his daughter into having an abortion – IOTW Report

Man threatened suicide to coerce his daughter into having an abortion

WND: Layla was 15 years old when her parents forced her into an abortion. Her mother was physically and emotionally abusive, and her father ignored the abuse, failing to defend his daughter. When she learned she was pregnant, Layla and her boyfriend wanted to keep their baby, but her parents pushed her to abort.

“I was happy,” explained Layla. “It was what I had wanted. I would raise my baby to know how special he or she was.”

Layla attempted to hide her pregnancy from her parents. But she confided in a friend, and that friend told her mother. The friend’s mother decided to tell Layla’s parents.

“My father went ballistic,” said Layla. “Ranting and raving, he screamed that I had to get an abortion. I was appalled – how could I abort the baby I’d longed for? That I already loved?”

Layla was sure she didn’t want an abortion. But her father continued to hound her. She explained:

12 Comments on Man threatened suicide to coerce his daughter into having an abortion

  1. I know someone who was forced by her mother when she was 15 to get an abortion. She’s in her 40’s now and still has psychological issues because of it.

    She turned around and a year later purposely got pregnant thinking it could replace the baby that was killed. She told others in the family this time knowing they all believed abortion was murder and would stop her mother from forcing her into another abortion. She soon learned she couldn’t replace the baby. It took years for her to ever tell anyone about the abortion and then she started talking to different family members telling them how horrible it was and how she begged her mom and the nurse to not do it, that she wanted to keep her baby and they told her it was too late, she couldn’t back out now. They strapped her to the table and sucked the baby out in pieces.
    She would say she dreamed about the baby and that it was a little girl.

    She started drinking thinking that would end the pain and it didn’t. Eventually she got married and thought if she had a little girl it would end the pain and guilt and it did not.
    She stayed depressed, or angry all the time. Today doctors have her on antidepressants and other drugs. She’s lost her husband and her kids one now an adult and the other a teen have nothing to do with her.

    So not only was a precious baby murdered, it ruined the mother’s life and she’s just one with similar stories of what murdering a baby does to girls and women. Most are not these you see on youtube bragging about murdering their babies.

  2. This is exactly why the original feminists, e.g. Susan B. Anthony et al. were against abortion.

    I suspect that many women make a decision they never would have made in light of coercion such as detailed in the article, or just more subtle pressures, such as boyfriends and husbands not wanting the child, or worrying that it will become impossible for them to pursue education or employment or just be able to support the child.

    When my grandmother was nearing the end of her life twenty years ago, she confided her Depression-era abortion to me, and started crying. After finally confessing this, after seven decades in which she had told no one, it devolved into gut-wrenching sobs. Hard to forget.

    I personally would not want to second-guess a woman’s decision in circumstances of rape, high medical risk, or birth defects.

    But otherwise, I haven’t seen many anecdotal stories of women regretting having a child they actually had.

  3. My best friend in high school got pregnant in both 10th grade and freshman year in college. Mom took her to Planned Parenthood both times. Years later best friend got married, had 3 kids.

    Big difference in the men shes chosen to dally with back in the day and who she married. Is it racist to keep your white babies but abort your mixed race ones? Apparently I’m the bigot for asking such a question. I’m so confused…

    Her mother was equally culpable in the selection process. How could she look at her living grandkids and not forget the 2 she condemned? I’d say she’s being held accountable now since she passed 6 years ago, but while the innocent babes are amongst the other martyrs and the saints, Granny, not so likely.

  4. I don’t believe in abortions unless the mother’s life is in jeopardy or the baby is going to die within a few days after birth. There are some medical reasons for aborting a baby. I’m against willy nilly abortion of convenience. This is why I could never be a Libertarian or a DimocRAT. Got into a discussion about abortion with a Libertarian, she has 4 children of her own. I asked her if she was okay with her grandchild being dumped into a sink. She backed up and then stood her ground with her Libertarian ideas thrown at me. She said “it’s convenient.” My come back was: “I’ll stick with morals and values over “convenience.”


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