Joe Biden Craps Out On Afghanistan, Hurricane Ida Response – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Craps Out On Afghanistan, Hurricane Ida Response

Howie Carr: It’s Weekend at Biden’s, and what a busy time it’s been for Dementia Joe.

Presiding over the most humiliating military and foreign policy disaster in U.S. history, massive inflation, supply-chain breakdowns and COVID cluelessness — and those are the highlights of his feckless administration.

What makes Biden’s hologram presidency so … special is that Dementia Joe can always cut directly to the heart of an issue, as he did in the aftermath of Hurricane Ida.

All dialogue guaranteed verbatim.

“The unprecedented flash floods in New York and New Jersey is yet another merminder that these extreme storms in the crimate clisis crisis are here. We need to do muss be better prepared.”

Can we quote you on that Mr. President?

He can’t do it alone, though. Joe must confer with his top White House aides on the crimate clisis.

“I’m here with uh with my senior adviser and uh boy who knows Louisiana very well man and New Orleans’ Cedric Richmond.”

A former Congressman who happens to be black. And Dementia Joe called him “boy.” Imagine if Trump had said that …

But this morning let us first consider the inner Dementia Joe, the “praxing Catholic,” as he describes himself, as he spoke with Jewish leaders on the eve of the high holiday he calls “Russia Shona.”

Most of the attention has focused on his abject lie to the rabbis that he visited the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh after the 2018 massacre. He didn’t, of course — just flat out made up something that didn’t happen. It’s a Biden thing. more here

12 Comments on Joe Biden Craps Out On Afghanistan, Hurricane Ida Response

  1. If Joe Lies, it really happened in his addled mind.
    Old Joe has made a 50 year career out of lying, he’s on a roll.
    Lying is the only area that he has succeeded at, failing everything else.

  2. If Joe Lies, it really happened in his addled mind.
    Old Joe has made a 50 year career out of lying, he’s on a roll.
    Lying is the only area that he has succeeded at, failing everything else.

  3. Craps out? Not so’s you’d know it in the mockingbird media. But boy, you search “Trump Dorian” or “Trump Syria” and it’s page after page after page of venomous bullshit.

    I’m glad that at least the few of us who care still get to see the unvarnished, addle-pated idiocy that is Joe Biden.

  4. After months of painstaking research and personal reflection, I have finally reached the conclusion that Joe Biden and I have one thing in common.

    Everything he touches turns to crap and everything I eat does too.

  5. Dementia Joe is beginning to embarrass his Handlers, but he’s such an important puppet in their scheme to Fundamentally Destroy our country that they can’t let him retire to the Wilmington Hideout just yet. Hell, boy, Boo Radley Obiden Bama has only been Installed for 229 days! Just think what they can accomplish in another six months. Iran with nuclear weapons, anyone? What say you, ValJar? Omohammad?


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