Russian Father Who Killed Pedophile Released by Police: ‘He Did What Was Necessary’ – IOTW Report

Russian Father Who Killed Pedophile Released by Police: ‘He Did What Was Necessary’

Neon Nettle: After discovering footage of his own eight-year-old daughter being raped by his friend, a Russian father went into a blind rage and stabbed the pedophile rapist to death.

34-year-old factory worker Vyacheslav M was drinking with his friend Oleg Sviridov, 32, when he allegedly saw a video of his young daughter being raped on Sviridov’s phone.

Vyacheslav immediately confronted Sviridov over the horrifying footage but he quickly fled.

However, he was eventually tracked down by the distraught father who stabbed him to death. more

25 Comments on Russian Father Who Killed Pedophile Released by Police: ‘He Did What Was Necessary’

  1. The story comments itself. Not much more that you can add that isn’t already part of the article. Justice was served – even more so, since Russian law would have only given him eight years – and now justice must be rewarded by dropping any charges against the father.

  2. I watched one of those air crash reenactment videos the other day, about a Russian airliner that midair crashed into a DHL cargo plane. Everyone dead including a bunch of kids. Air traffic controller was partially to blame (assigned both planes to 36,000 ft). A Russian whose wife and child were killed in the crash, tracked down the Swiss ATC, and stabbed him to death in from of his wife and kids. His sentence was overturned on a technicality, and when he later returned to Russia, he received some kind of award for “furthering the cause of justice”, or something. Amazing.

  3. …as it should be…

    …keep this in mind if you’re ever called for jury duty in a similar case, that you can STILL vote NOT GUILTY no matter what if to send a message to the NEXT pedo when a father does the right thing, it’s called jury nullification and this is one case it’s appropriate…

  4. Tony R
    SEPTEMBER 7, 2021 AT 6:10 PM

    …the plane wreck was because of differences between Americans and Russians too. Americans have a tech bias, Russians are more apt to follow human orders. Both planes had TCAS, but the controller has no way of knowing what TCAS was saying, and told the planes the opposite of TCAS as to which should climb and which should dive. The Americans followed TCAS as they should. The Russians SHOULD have told the controller “Unable”. TCAS warning”, and also done what TCAS said. But they were conditioned to follow human orders, so both planes dived, and thus ran into each other in the clouds.

    There were issues with staffing, another plane had an issue at a critical time, phones didn’t work at the ATC center, and it wasn’t the greatest radar anyway. Lots of things went wrong to produce the worst possible result, but it wasn’t all on the controller.

    Ultimately the pilot is responsible, and the pilots had enough information without the controller. They just didn’t act properly on it.

    No one was bad or evil or uncaring or incompetent. Just a matrix of things went wrong.

    Not the same thing as a pedo raping a kid at all.

    We just don’t like when someone dies for no reason, its human to fix blame.

    But I saw people die for no reason all the time.

    Its not that the universe doesnt love you. Or even that it hates you.

    It just does not care.

    And a lot of people have a hard time with that…

  5. One down. So many more to go.

    I can only imagine the terrible emotions the parents of the little girl are feeling. Second guessing themselves, not seeing any signs of what happened to their child. I’m not criticizing them; the scumbag pedo must have been good at hiding his evil. I hope they can all get help to get through it.

  6. ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS: I was giving the condensed version, since I can’t type as fast as you, especially in my iPhone. Lots of weird coincidental failures in that crash, that’s why I said the ATC was partly responsible. I am a little morbid in that I like those air disaster videos. Goes to show us, no matter how experienced or talented, sooner or later we all make a mistake. Blancolirio also has some good stuff on YT that analyzes air crashes.

  7. Been tossing around the idea of moving to a remote, rural part of that country. The YouTubes I’ve seen of Moscow and St.Petersburg show clean orderly cities with zero trash or graffiti to be seen. Subway cars and buses have not been vandalised. I’m guessing the penalities for doing so would be harsh and swift.

  8. ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS

    “Its not that the universe doesnt love you. Or even that it hates you. It just does not care.”

    That’s pretty close to a quote from Richard Dawkins, the world’s most famous atheist:

    The universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but blind, pitiless indifference.

    He gets it all wrong, IMO. There is lots of the good, and certainly lots of the evil. Even if I saw that Joyce Behar had been run over by a express train, I’d try to help her, if there was anything left to help. Helping others is an innate part of the human spirit, I think. That’s the good. The bad is that I daydream about driving the train over her at 85mph.

  9. TimBuktu
    SEPTEMBER 7, 2021 AT 10:39 PM

    I didn’t say individuals don’t care, or that the Lord doesn’t care. I meant the universe as a whole doesn’t care.

    Were I to die tonight, there are people that wpuld miss me. There are people who would be in trouble until they could replace what I do. Very locally, I would be mourned.

    But the universe would be just fine. Outside my bubble, it wouldn’t even know I was gone, because it never knew I was here in the first place.

    So it is with everyone. We carry the coffin to the grave, perform the rituals, then lower it out of sight, then figure out how to do without. Not everyone does, I’ve seen long term marrieds follow each other closely to the grave, but most just move on. Couple years go by, they wouldn’t remember the face without a picture.

    Consider your own experiences with long-passed loved ones and tell me it’s not so.

    As for helping people, sure, done plenty of that. It was my direct job for a bunch of years. It was never my place to judge a life, but always my place to try to save one.

    But I can’t swear to you that those lives didn’t go on to ruin others. In fact, some I KNOW did. Was I wrong to help them? Didn’t matter, it was my duty to, and I had no way to know them for good or bad beforehand, so I had no criteria I could have applied even were I so inclined.

    I just have to trust that somewhere, somehow, it all serves the Lord’s purpose. Even satan does.

    But that can be a tough thing to understand when a patient goes on to molest a child.

    I’ve seen things that seem pretty senseless. One recurring theme is babies maimed and killed in their mother’s arms in a car. One of the worst examples was a kid who Moms was gently cradling before her in the passenger seat of a pre-airbag car when someone got left of center and there was a head-on impact with a conbined speed of 90-100 MPH.

    Mom waz fine.

    Because baby was her airbag.

    I’m sure it was over in an instant. I don’t know if Mom ever really understood that she had squeezed Junior’s intestines out into his diaper as she crushed his ribs and internal organs. I don’t know what they told her at the hospital.

    But I was sure as hell aware of it when I had to try to resuscitate an obviously dead kid all the way to the hospital.

    It was in the protocols then that you made the attempt with babies, even SIDS babies, obviously dead infants not for THEIR sake, but for the sanity of the mother. The concept was that evething humanly possibly to do had to be shown to have been done, so everyone could feel better about it. Once started, CPR could not be discontinued until a higher medical authority was reached.

    No matter how much the dead kids smashed intestines squelched from the effort.

    Mom wasn’t evil. Just stupid. Pretty common, really. Some people think of mother’s arms as the safest place to be. Some people truly think it’s more loving, more caring, more protective that way. Just going a couple of miles anyway, no big deal, right?

    …if there’s any sense in a death like that, the Lord has yet to gift me with that knowledge.

    Its not the only stupid, pointless, premature seeming death I ever saw, but this is too long already and you get the idea. That kid mattered to his folks, his extended family, and God, but no one outside of that.

    The universe was just fine without him.

    There’s a kid’s grave near where my wife has some kin buried. A 3 year old by the dates, a nice stone, has a bas relief picture of him and everything. Someone used to put flowers on it, but sometime in the last decade seems to have stopped. Maybe they moved. Maybe they also died. Maybe they just quit caring. I’ll never know.

    But you never knew this kid. I don’t either, beyond the scanty information on tne stone. You can bet the universe never did either.

    It does just fine without him.

    FWIW, we hold a flower back for him every time we go there. Does anyone care? Well, he sure doesn’t. And nether does the universe.

    Not saying God doesn’t care. That boy, that baby, those dead couples are likely with Him today.

    But the universe did not know them, so the universe does not care, is my only point.

    It’s not incompatible with Christianity. Its not God’s fault the universe of men does not care about ordinary lives.

    …just the way it is…

  10. Similar story in Shiner, Texas a while back. A father beat a guy to death in a barn when he walked in on the guy molesting his daughter. He got off scot free. The sheriff said the guy deserved it.


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