Spanish Woman Sues Health Department for $3.5 Million After DNA Test Reveals She Was Switched at Birth – IOTW Report

Spanish Woman Sues Health Department for $3.5 Million After DNA Test Reveals She Was Switched at Birth


A 19-year-old woman in Spain is taking legal action against local health authorities after learning she was swapped at birth with another baby.

Reuters reports the unidentified woman was born in 2002 at the San Millan de Logrono hospital in La Rioja, hours after another baby girl. Both babies were placed in incubators before they were handed to the wrong parents. 

The complainant discovered the switch four years ago after a DNA test revealed she was not the child of the woman she believed was her mom, according to the Guardian. A subsequent investigation carried out by the regional health authority concluded there was only one other baby girl she could’ve been swapped with.

The complainant is now seeking $3.5 million in damages from the region’s ministry of health, while the woman she was switched with has been informed but has not yet made a complaint.  more here

5 Comments on Spanish Woman Sues Health Department for $3.5 Million After DNA Test Reveals She Was Switched at Birth

  1. That was always a fear of mine. With my daughter there was no chance as every other baby in the nursery was either a boy or girl babies with tons of hair, she had hair but not a lot.
    My oldest son was the only boy in the nursery until they moved him to NICU then all of the babies in there were premature.
    My youngest son was born in a small hospital and there was only one other baby there and he was a black baby boy.

    So they all were stuck with the parents who made them. lol

  2. At the core of this fuck up is, undoubtedly, some stupid, self-absorbed twat too busy thinking about her petty problems to grasp nor do a critical part of the job, i.e. not confusing infant identities.

    I had a dumb twat like that wreck a $1 million clinical trial because she couldn’t be bothered following basic instructions because she was in bitch mode 24/7.

    There are just certain things you simply cannot fuck up on, and this was definitely one of them.


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