Full Report from Canvassing Work Completed in Arizona’s Maricopa County – IOTW Report

Full Report from Canvassing Work Completed in Arizona’s Maricopa County

  • Lost votes are those votes where people voted but their votes were discarded.
  • Ghost votes are those votes cast by someone other than the voter assigned to the vote.
  • Dead voters accounted for a significant number of these anomalies.

SEE it here.

8 Comments on Full Report from Canvassing Work Completed in Arizona’s Maricopa County

  1. ZzzzzZZZZzzz…zzzzZzzZzzz.. zzz***huh?…wha?…you woke me for WHA?

    …oh, THAT again.

    …h’okey *smack smack*

    No Standing.

    …now c’mon, I did wha’ you tol’ me, lemme sleep…
    (Punches pillow)


  2. Still waiting on the audit report. That should confirm how badly this election was conducted in Maricopa County. What is taking them so long? Can’t they release what they have now while the legal system attempts to force compliance from the board of supervisors?

  3. Basic Arithmetic…
    The Dimwits “won” Arizona by about 12,000 votes…
    If we deduct more than that amount, Donald Trump wins.
    How about over 200,000 illegal and ghost voters,
    These results are unofficial.
    Official results are not worth a shirt.


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